Anyone finding it a bit difficult to adapt to new forums

Hello Windflower,
You made my day, thank you!! I have had secondary since july 2022 and have been hoping to hear some positive stories, it gives me hope to know that you have been on treatment since 2015.

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The thing I find odd is that when I press on New Topics, I often see posts from the Living With Secondary Cancer section which I thought was a private group that you have to ask to join. Isn’t that counter-intuitive?

I don’t know how I feel about it as I occasionally feel that I’m invading someone’s privacy by reading them, alternatively is it somehow showing solidarity? Some content also scares the bejesus out of me if I hadn’t clocked in which section the post is from. Is there a way to prevent all and sundry from seeing them? If it’s meant to be private, it should be.

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Hi Tigress , there is a private secondary group which you ask to join but also a public open secondary section that anyone can see and post in I’m presuming these are the posts you are seeing ? I don’t really understand how the new topics section works, I just click on latest posts to see most recent posts .

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Thanks @Jill1998 that must be the answer. I hadn’t realised that there were two sections. That’s absolutely fine. I just didn’t want to read what the writer thought was for a restricted audience, if that makes sense.


Yes absolutely, you don’t want to read posts that people believe they are posting to a restricted private group. If you click on the posts it will probably take you to the public secondary section of the forum

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When I start a new topic this new software suggests topics it thinks is similar. Possibly to prevent too many similar topics. However today it picked up on the opening words of my post “last week” and thought the best similar topic was one titled Last week my best friend died. Perhaps the forum software (Discord?) needs to be adapted a little more for the sensitive topics than can be covered on here.

HI @scientistamafier, I know which suggestion you mean. I passed your note to our team.

While we see if that’s something we can fix, it’s possible to close the suggestion box from the top right, and continue writing your message :slightly_smiling_face:


Good to know

Still struggling a bit with the new layout. Sometimes I read the start of a thread, think I will go back and reply when I’ve had a bit of a think about what to say and then I can’t find it again. Even if I go into each section the threads don’t seem to be listed in any kind of date order.

HI @scientistamafier, you can use the Bookmark tool to help you keep track of threads you’d like to follow up on.

At the bottom of a post, select the ribbon icon

You will get this pop-up, where you can choose when you’d like to be reminded of the thread.

At the time you selected, you will get a notification at the top right of your page, where it will say S in a circle - that’s the first letter of your username.

This is what I got when I bookmarked your message


You can follow the link, and it will take you to the message you bookmarked :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you. I will try and remember to use it.

Have I missed some guide to all the new features?

Hi @scientistamafier, we have a getting started guide here: Getting started on our forum

We can always add new tips to it if people have questions :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t think that has anything about the bookmark ribbon.

Also, different but related matter. When I click on the “how to get started on the forum” under the About Us banner at the bottom of the page it goes to some old thread about Sheryl Crowe.

Is there any wsy to ensure that you just see post from the secondaries group?

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Hi @scientistamafier, I updated the guidelines so there’s a note about bookmarks and how to find them once a link is bookmarked.

And that’s a great spot with that wrong link. It took me a minute to find where it was! I reported it to our team to look at.


Hopefully you’ve had update from Bernard on your question :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


No… no advise / indtructions from Bernard.

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I’m sorry Bernard/Mods not picked up your request above in this thread, I will bring to bcn mods/Bernards attention :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Hi @Yorkshire_Tyke, sorry to have missed your question.

The section called ‘How do I watch a topic?’ in this page may help: Getting started on our forum

If you follow the bell icon and select Watching, you’ll be notified of new activity.

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Thanks Bernard :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx