i have just been diagnosed on 7/1/11 with grade 2 breast cancer
I’m sorry you’ve had to join ‘the club’ Terri. I’m from Brum, I don’t know whether there is anyone closer.
Good luck with your treatment.
hi im from cannock staffordshire im 34 just had my mx last week pm me if you want a chat xxx
hi Terri
I am from Coventry. Earlsdon. Where are you?
x sarah
just bumping this up to catch terri27’s eye
I also live in Coventry. A couple of months behind you so probably still at the “in a daze state”, but am scheduled for a lumpectomy on 6th April.
Hi - i’m in lichfield.
Hi. I am actually in Cornwall right now, I came down to tell my son. I think I now feel more worried for him and his sister, because as you said in an earlier post, I feel a little more in control now I have been told I am having surgery etc. For them I think it is still at the oh my god cancer stage.
Well, it is for me but for the moment I have passed into the surreal out of my body phase.! However, I go home tomorrow for a pre op appointment on Thursday so will soon return to the frantic and terrified stage. I have experienced more emotions in the space of less than 2 weeks than I thought possible. But these forums,and the people on them are amazing.
hello sorry i haven’t posted for a while well i’ve finished my 4 fec and done my 2nd cycle of the t today! i ound the 1st cycle of docetaxel easier than the fec apart from feeling like i’d been hit by a bin lorry 4 days after the docetaxel it lasted 5 days but apart from that had nearly 2 weeks ok. 2 more chemos left for me now i have the last one on the 29th of june i can’t wait for my 4-6 weeks off before my op. i’ve got lots planned to do. i had to do a genetics test yesterday to see if i am a braca1/braca 2 carrier i am very anxious to what the results will be and what they will mean? well i’m going to try and forget about it for 8 weeks. still don’t know what op i will be having i suppose the results of the genetics tst will determine what op i will have. god news is the lump is shrinking which is good. hope you are all doing ok and i will try to post abit more often x