anyone from east kent

Hi, anyone from east kent area? have just had left mastectomy and got home today. now awaiting results.
would like to talk to anyone local who has been through the same.

Hi there I’m from coastal Kent and had all my operations at Ashford with current care at Canterbury.
I had my last op, a mastectomy in February this year. It has been a long haul with various complications but maybe I’m a lot older than you???
Read my profile and if you still feel I could support you do get in touch. I have just returned to working in September so it may take a couple of days to get back to you.
However,if I can help in any way just give us a shout.

Best wishes to you during these early days,
Welsh girl

Hi, i live in mid kent and am a bit futher on with treatment having just had reconstruction. But would be happy to chat and share my experience with you.

Hope you are recovering well after op. Jacky

I am from Kent, there are quite a few of us on here from down this way! hope you are doing ok and good luck with the results.
deb x

Hi, I am from Ashford, Kent.
I am 34 and been diagnosed recently with a grade 3 cancer HER positive, had a lumpectomy with clear margins and 1/3 lymph nodes involved so am due for a full clearance of nodes next week.
Had all surgery and treatment at the WHH.
Be nice to speak to someone in this area x

Hi Bunny3

I have grade 2 cancer HER positive, I have had a lumpectomy and full node clearance and am now in the middle of chemo.
I live in Orpington,Kent although a little distance away it sounds like you will be having very similar treatment if you need anyone to talk to.

Hope your surgery went well last week.


Hi Julie,

Thanks for your response, I had my full clearance on Thursday all okay just awaiting results now, am at home with a drain in and arm feeling quite numb but okay! Hows your chemo going? What chemo are you having im not sure yet as havent seen my oncologist yet? Dreading the chemo!! (sorry lots of questions) Do you know if being HER positive makes the cancer harder to treat?
Best wishes to you

Donna x

Hi Donna,

Waiting for results and the treatment plan is the worst part. I had my operations in September and October last year and other than the initial diagnosis that was the worst time and I rember doing a lot of crying. At the time you don’t believe it but trust me it does get easier to deal with!!

I have just checked my notes And I am not HER positive, but ER positive and HER2 negative. The oncologist will explain this to you when he sees you, I can’t remember the difference other than they are related to how the cancer responds to oestrogen & if they have a high level of protein.

I know how you feel about chemo, it was my worst fear when I found out that I had cancer. I won’t lie to you, it is not pleasant, but you learn quickly to make the most of the good days and rest when needed. I remember saying that i was not going to go out when I lost my hair, but I have, so if I can do it so can you so don’t worry.

If you want to private message me please do.

take care


Hi Donna

I’m from West Kent. I’ve had mastectomy with recon in November and now have two lots of chemo. There seems to be a few Kentish ladies on here and I think there is a group that meets up every couple of months - the organiser posts on here when and where the meet is.

The waiting for results is really the worst time and once you know what treatment is ahead it does give you something to grab hold of and get on with. I’ve just lost my hair and that to me was the thing that when I was diagnosed I was devastated about, but going through it I have been very impressed with how I have coped with it! (blowing my own trumpet here and why not!) it is doable - rubbish, but doable.

Best wishes


if you want details of any meet ups, I can give you some, I go to two different ones in the maidstone area xx

Hi debs66

I’m in Hempstead, Gillingham and currently having chemo at Maidstone. Been trying to find places that meet up locally - you mentioned two regular meets at Maidstone? Is that at the hospital?

Barneypaws (also a Debbie)


Have posted on here before, I have just started Chemo treatment at the Celia Blakely Centre at the William Harvey Hospitaal, Ashford, Kent and was wondering if anyone else was having treatment there?

Best wishes

Donna xx

Hi Donna
will ask the ladies i meet up with if they had/are having treatment there and ask them to get in touch
deb x

Barneypaws, will send you a private message about the meet ups
Deb x

Thanks Deb x


Anyone from the Ashford/Folkestone area?
I have posted on here before, I am 34 and I am currently having Chemo at the Celia Blakely at the WHH

Donna xx



hi bunny
sorry not been on here for a while. will email my friends from down your way and ask them to get in touch with you. how are you doing?
deb x

Hi Everyone

I am 51 (but not old!) from near Margate, Kent and having chemo at the Viking Day Unit, QEQM Margate. DX was Grade 2 with 2 nodes showing extra capsular spread op was 20th Dec. Treatment plan: 3 x 3 weekly FEC then 3 x 3 weekly Docetaxel, then 15 radiotherpay treatments (at Canturbury) over 3 weeks and then tamoxifen for 5 yrs.

I work in Maidstone, would love to connect with others in the area and it would be great to hear from you!

DaisyGirl xx