Unfortunately our Northern Ireland thread has been very quiet lately and one of the reasons for this is that some of the members have been finding the site very difficult to navigate since all the changes.

We, as a group, have decided to communicate my private email.

At the moment we are trying to arrange our next meet-up and would be very pleased to welcome new people to our group. We try to meet once a month, although due to member’s commitments this can sometimes run into 2 months especially over the holiday periods.

The main aim of our group which is called ‘Bosom Buddies’ is to get together to give support to those going along the same journey as ourselves (we are all at different stages and no two ladies are alike in diagnosis, treatment etc) and most importanly have a few bevvies and a laugh. We generally meet up in the Belfast area although we have been known to venture further afield (have car will travel), so wherever you are we will try to accommodate you.

If you would like to meet up with us at out next get-together or if you feel that might be too daunting I’m willing to meet up with anyone on a one-to-one basis as are some of the other members. Please contact me by Private Messaging on the site.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Bringing this to the top for Missy64

Jo, Facilitator

Hi All
If you would like to join us we are meeting on

Saturday 1st September
7.00 pm
at: Cafe Vaudeville, Belfast


Hi Girls,
At long last I got logged in , looking forward to the 1st September catch-up see you all there.
Julie xx

Hope to make it on the 1st. Looking forward to seeing everybody.
Isy x

Just a wee reminder about tomorrow night if you would like to join us:

Cafe Vaudeville, Belfast

If you would like to join us reply through this thread or PM me.
All Welcome

Carolyn x

Hi All
NI Bosom Buddies are arranging a Christmas meet-up. If you would like to join us you would be very welcome.
Contact me via this thread or private message and I will get back to you with all the details.

All Welcome no matter what stage of your journey you are on.

Carolyn x


NI Bosom Buddies had a lovely Christmas lunch in St Georges Bar and Grill Belfast today - thank you ladies for coming along.
To anyone out there who lives in Northern Ireland and would like to join us please get in touch via this thread or private message me. We are a friendly bunch and are very happy to welcome newcomers.
So add NI BOSOM BUDDIES to your New Years Resolutions and come along for support and friendly banter.
We are planning to get together again in January so watch this space!
Carolyn x

Hi Girls,
Happy New Year to all off you, I was just wondering if we are having a meet-up this month or maybe we could set a date for next months (FEB) I checked my e-mails and cannot see anything organised , Carolyn I will text you also as you are the main organiser usually , hopefully I will hear something soon as i love are we get togethers,
Julie xx


Hi Ladies

I can’t believe we are half way through February already; the weeks have just flown by.
I apologise for the quietness of NI Bosom Buddies these past few weeks but I have had other matters to deal with on the home front which had to take priority and are consuming quite a lot of my time these days.
I have now found a bit of extra time to get NI Bosom Buddies going again and would appreciate some help in that.
Obviously, everyone is busy with Valentines this week and half-term next week so if you could give some thought to our next meet-up that would be great. It’s just over 6 weeks to Easter, when some of you may be away gallivanting (or maybe cruising Carol ) so it would be nice if we could get together before then.
So what I need to know are the usual:

When you are available?

During the week or weekend?

Lunch or Evening meal?


So it’s in your hands ladies. If you can get back to me ASAP that would be great.

I hope you are all keeping fit and well and I am really looking forward to catching up with you all again.

Carolyn xx

Hi Carolyn ,
I hope everyone is keeping well , regarding meet up dates , I’m busy the weekend off Fri 21st Feb but free the weekend after that ,(fri 1st march) then I’m on a hen weekend St Patricks weekend, also my caravan opens in March yippppppeee, but I can do week nights , looking forward to seeing you all :slight_smile:
Julie xx

Hi Carolyn, Julie and all. I also am avaialble on the March 1st weekend.

Hi girls
Hope all is well with you?
I can’t do the 1st but can do the 2nd it will be great to see you all again

Hi girls
Anyone still interested in meeting up this weekend?

Hi Ladies

Hope everyone is keeping well. Based on replies I have received regarding our first NI Bosom Buddies get together of 2013 may I make the following suggestions:

Saturday 2 March 2013 - Evening
Sunday 1:00pm

Cutters Wharf Belfast

RSVP as soon as possible for booking table

Carolyn xx

Hi all ,
Saturday suits me and Cutters Wharf also, hopefully see you all there :slight_smile: Julie xx

Hiya - I live in NI and was recently disgnosed with breast cancer.  Had 2 ops (lump and lymph nodes) and have just had my 2nd dose of chemo on 8th Oct.  Took a bad turn after the first one so ended up in the cancer centre for 8 nights but am not letting it get me down.  The main thing I find is that, living alone, I get so bored - it would be great to meet up with folk in the same boat and know that when you are chatting everyone knows exactly what you are on about!


I am fortunate to have family close by who have been great in supporting me but they have their own lives as well, my neighbours - well what can I say, they have been wonderful.  Living alone, they look out for me as tho I was one of their own and that kind of support can’t be measured.


Despite the initial depression at first being diagnosed, I decided to adopt a positive attitude - what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger - and I Have been stronger, didn’t realise how gutsy I was until push came to shove.  I am on the FEC-T then radiotherapy and - just to make  doubly sure - a year on Herceptin. 


I decided to shave my head when the hair started to fall out - I blame the Wash ‘n’ Go shampoo my sister in law brought me, I washed the hair went  lol!  It was odd to see myself with no hair - still is at times - but I look in the mirror and know this is a means to an end.


I have a friend who had a mastectomy around the same time I had my ops and she adopted a very negative attitude -  I personally feel attitude is everything, instead of Why Me, it’'s why NOT me - am I so special that I should be discounted when it comes to the cancer lottery!?


I hope you don’t think I am a weirdo, I’m not.  Just another person who was touched by this horrible affliction - my nurse friend said it’s not al illness, it’s a condition and it’s going to be sorted!  She is right - i intend to smile and be happy - not least because I am still alive :slight_smile:



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I am going to hospital on Thursdayn to find out what treatment io need for my breast cancer.  I know i will be getting radiation and i might need chemo. Am so scared.