Anyone from South Wales???

Hi anyone from South Wales? thats where I am and I am new to this site…Emma x

Just bumping this up for you. Sorry I can’t help with the South Wales bit - but I could stand on the beach and wave at you across the Bristol Channel.



Thanks Margaret I don’t mind you waive to me across the water lol…

Haya! Caldicot calling!!! anywhere near you?xx

Hi I thinthy our by Chepstow? Am I correct? How are you doing? X

How are you?
I am from Newport.
What part of South Wales are you from?

Bridgend I live…how are you doing Liz?

I am doing ok. I had breast cancer 4 years ago. I had a mascectomy. I used this site conctantly and it helped me so much t
hen. I went back for a check up this week, still ok, but I decided to visit the site again. What about you?

I found a lump went to gp a week last thurs she not happy put an urgent referral through and I phoned hospital Friday and they said 8week waiting list as they are busy!! So I’m besides myself at moment can’t sleep,eat,think xx