Anyone given or offered scans at dx


I was dx in oct 07 grade 3 with node involvement. I have never had a body scan or any other kind of scan.

I was wondering how many of you was given scans when you were dx or if you have been offered any since, is it routine how do they decide if you need one especially when you have node involvement.

Hi Doodle
I was diagnosed in June 2007 and from the moment of diagnosis, that afternoon I had a bone scan, the following week a CT scan and also a special kind of scan called a stereo core biopsy on the other unaffected breast which showed some calcification and blood tests. Since then I’ve had various other scans - chest xrays, liver ultrasound, pelvis x-ray and about to have ovary ultrasound. I also had lymph node involvement, 4cm lump and one in armpit of same side. The lump was grade 3 HER2+ so aggressive maybe that’s why I had all these scans and tests. Also think if you’re younger they are more likely to scan you thoroughly as can spread more quickly and can be more aggressive which in my case was the case.
Ruby x


I was 34 at dx. On the day of dx they gave me a blood test and then booked me for a bone scan and ct scan the following week to check for any spread. They said it would determine my treatment options.

Then 2 weeks later when I got the all clear from scans I had wle and node clearance which was also all clear - suprising as I was grade 3 and her2+.

Now I just have bone density scans to check for bone thinning from zoladex every 2 years.

I was told by my consultant that the chance of the cancer being anywhere else in the body was about 1% so they dont feel it is necessary to do full body scan etc…

i was a bit concerned by this i must admit.

Hi, I was diagnosed in January. Goodbye lump and nodes in Feb, grade 1. I have had bone scan and CT scan, which were both clear.

It would seem that my health authority offer this to all their BC patients.

Evie - As you are concerned, talk to the consultant and insist on them, 1% isn’t zero. I would be a pain and made sure I got them.

Ring on Tuesday and get it sorted, you have enough on your plate, you don’t need this stressing you too.

Good luck

Daisy xxx

I was DX July 2007, stage 2 grade 3,clear nodes. My hospital doesnt routinely offer scans either, my oncoligist told me that they only do scans if you have symptoms, as the scans wouldnt pick up anything small anyway and of course there is the extra exposure to radiation .
I have since had a CT scan and NM whole body bone scan because of symptoms which thankfully came back all clear,apart from Thyriod Nodules ( but thats another story) though the waiting and the worry was horrendous, so proberly another reason why scans are not always offered routinely without symptoms or concerns.
All the best

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for your replies. I think im going to push for a some kind of scan just to put my mind at rest. Im there tomorrow going to have my ports removed from my expanders, yippee cant wait.

Like you Ruby mine was also aggressive, i was 32 at dx which is why i couldnt understand why id not been offered any scans, especially as when i was having chemo 90% of the ladies there had all had them.

Lolly i had my ovaries and full hystrectomy done in feb like you have been told that every 2 years i will be having a scan for bone density. I was given calcium tablets to take too. Im on tamoxifen still for next 5 years.

Evie like Daisy says 1% isnt zero any concerns need to sorted for peace of mind. Im going to push for mine hope you do too. Let us know how you get on.

Lindiloo if you dont mind me asking what kind of symptoms were you having?

I think that surely when there is node involvement it should be routine.

Take Care

Leslee x

Oopsss…have I started a scan war??? As a wise man once said ‘I predict a riot!’ ha ha

Hope you get your scans sorted.

Happy Bank Holiday.

Daisy x

I have been offered scans since dx in 2006 and said no thank you.My onc supports this.

Hi was diag end of march 09 grade 3 lymps involved im 39yrs old had test just as i started chemo , bloods chest xray and bone scan and ct scan thankfull they came back clear but i was told by surgon that some particals could be floating round and not been seen in these tests,
as they are so small .

Hense the reson why after surgery we still have to have chemo and rads , to kill any othere paricals that may be persent .
I have never questioned it to be fare I just feel at mo what ever they suggest I just agree maybe as I get more used to it I will begin th question why .

Hi All,

I dont think it helps with me having the brca2 gene, it plays on my mind even though i feel fine. When i had my yearly mammogram in oct 08 it came back clear but cos i have this gene i opted for bi -lateral masectomy and recon as a preventaive the results of the test of the breast tissue was that there was a tiny tumour in the good breast, which i wouldnt have known about till it had got bigger. I just think for me it would put my mind at rest.

Take Care

Leslee x

Hi doodle32,

Have sent you a PM.
All the best
Lindiloo x