Hi , i had SNB , chemo, lumpectomy and rads which ended in Sept 09, have been told that i have oedema in the right breast, side of the lump and op etc
I have seen the bc nurse who has shown me some exercises to encourage the fluid away from the bad breast, stroking the chest , under the opposite arm and neck, she said not to do repetitive movements with the right arm as that can aggravate the problem but that swimming is good too.
Sometimes the breast is ok then the next day it is red and tender
She said to wear a good supportive bra , i am still applying the aqueous cream as the breast is quite red at times.
I am just wondering if anyone has a similar problem and has any advice??
There are quite a few ladies here with breast/trunk oedema, so I will bump up some of their threads for you.
As you’ll see, if yours doesn’t improve, there are compression tops and kinesio taping, both of which a trained lymphodema nurse or therapist help you with.
Sounds like your bc is pretty knowledgable - lucky you! Swimming is great for lymphoedema, but I’ve heard you mustn’t overdo it at first.