Anyone had a prolapse after starting AIs?

Hi all - I was wondering if anyone else has had vaginal problems after cancer treatment, and what help might be available?

I was diagnosed with hormone positive IDC 2 years ago and started endocrine therapy as soon as I was diagnosed. Tamoxifen initially, and then switched to ovarian suppression using prostap, and exemestane.

I need to use vaginal moisturisers but have found myself increasingly uncomfortable applying the gel internally. Recently went for my smear, which was pretty painful even with a small speculum. I think I might have a small prolapse in the entrance to my vagina. I have been recalled to have a colposcopy and I am really dreading it.

I’m only in my early 40s, and single, and it is upsetting thinking I might have to be celibate from now on. Not sure who to turn to for help as my hospital don’t offer follow up care once you’ve finished active treatment. I’m expected to continue with my current endocrine treatment for another 5 years. Just feel very alone with such an embarrassing problem.

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Hi @Briallen , you will find some discussions that might help in the private sex and relationships group as well as in the main forum
if you want to join the group . Many people on the forum who understand how uncomfortable these side effects can be .

I was given vagifem. Localised hrt.
It helped. They available otc called Gina.

Hope this helps x