Anyone had delayed L D recon

Having delayed recon on 18th june ,advice please so scared

I am just home from mine, have a look at the post I just posted (newforestmum) hopefully that will eliviate some of your worries
you’ll be fine, I am sure

Tob21, Scared is normal. Not being scared is abnormal. We know how you feel. It is a big decision. All I can say is that I had reconstruction done at the time of my mastectomy 23years ago and it looks good still. I remember feeling alone and scared but you are not alone as we are here to hold your hand while you are worried about this op. Wishing you well and sending you a cyber hug. Val

Oh thank you so much girls for your messages, I’ve got my pre op on wednesday so will let you know how I get on xxx

hi tob21
i had a delayed recon 2 yrs after my mastectomy jan this yr and its the best thing i ever did
please dont worry you will be fine and look fab
good luck

Hi alison, my recon will be 2yrs after my mx, I’m starting to feel better with all the positive feed back I’m getting off you lovely girls on here xxx

i hads ld flap 2 years after mx,the best thing i did you will be fine,yes you get some pain but hey when you look down your top its so worth it x

totally agree Drabble, as I have a 9 day old new cleavage for the first time in 3.5yrs. It has made such a difference already. I look down and feel normal again

i had my ld flap this time last year,and im still amazed with my cleavage,and yes you seem to come out of bc world a littlex

Hi all, well I’ve had my L D recon , didn’t go as planned had to have expander fitted which wasn’t the plan but still sooooooooooo happy with the result now ,so once they start to expander it will be even better ,hope everyone is ok Tracey x