Anyone had Hickman Line recently?

Hi,I have been plucking up courage to join this forum for a few weeks now.I have been happy to browse but as I am starting chemo soon need all the help I can get!
I was diagnosed end of September with bilateral BC.This came as a huge shock as I had only found one lump but ultrasound showed second lump on other side. I has lumpectomies as my surgeon, who was wonderful throughout, is also oncoplastic surgeon. That op was not half as bad as I was expecting,however I had to go back for axillary clearance on one side as sentinal nodes were positive.Good news followed as nothing detected in lymph nodes,8 were removed and all clear. I am still recovering from that op and arm is still very sore. I am due to see my onc tomorrow to discuss chemo starting 1st Dec week.My BCN


Yes I just had one put on about 2 weeks ago and it is very good. A godsend. A bit painful first 2 days, but after I cannot even remember I have got one.

If you need any further info, please let me know.

Hi Brenda,
I have one in and would not hesitate to do it again if necessary. I found it a bit tender/bruised feeling for a couple of days and like stylish I forget it is there now. Having suffered with very painful ,burnt veins which were also hardened and tight I would say if you can avoid it - do so.You would be also saving the need for many injections i.e. taking blood samples before the chemo itself even if you didn’t end up getting sore arms. I wish I had had it done much earlier.
I have had it for almost 6 months now as I have my Herceptin through it and it is easy to look after with regard to cleansing. The only small drawback is that I am allergic to lots of dressings and tapes so use one particular one and now after a few months have become reactive to this too if I stick the tape in the same place each day- as long as I use only a small piece and vary the site it is ok most of the time. I understand that some people- (mainly men 'cos of their hairy chests) just let the end of theirs dangle but I don’t as I have caught it and pulled it a couple of times which makes my eyes water!
Good luck with whatever you decide,
love V.

Hi Brenda
My hickman line was an absolute lifesaver. The only thing is you need to wear a bra in bed to tuck it into something! I got some cotton night time nursing bras for that - very comfy and it contains the line effectively. I was initially horrified by the idea of “flushing” the line, but it’s dead straightforward, doesn’t hurt a bit, can be done by yourself and only takes a minute.

Like Violetta, I developed a sensitivity to the dressings, fortunately I could use both and just alternated them every so often.

Minor downside, when mine was removed it turned out that it had settled just a bit too well - so I ended up with two scars to get it out! However, still well worth it and if I ever face more chemo I’m going to insist on a line at the outset rather than struggle on for a couple of chemos before needing it.

All the best to you whatever you decide.
Sue x

Dear Brenda

Can only agree with the other comments. I had 6 FEC without it, was really hard work on the veins, and I asked for the Hickman line when I was told I needed 6 Taxotere. With hindsight, wish I had had it from the start. It was taken out last week, no lasting effects.

I bought some secret support vests from M&S, good to support the line instead of a bra.

Go for it!

Thank you to you all for your replies, you have been very reassuring.

I did not realise you could ‘flush’ it out yourself .I think I will have one fitted as was at hosp on Monday for MUGA scan and they had 5 tries to get a vein in my foot and still could not.

The nurse ended up ringing my surgeon and he said to use my ‘better’ arm as a ‘one off’.At thetime I was thinking I could not go through this every time!

Best wishes to you allx

I have agreed to having a Hickman line in as my veins are so hardened, painful and damaged after 3 FEC - the chemo nurse struggled to get any blood out today for a sample, and said she is not happy about putting any more FEC into my veins tomorrow - she was shocked at the discolouration and tracking. I am really scared, but also reassured by all your comments. I can only say Brenda that my chemo arm has been extremely painful for the last 5 weeks, and the fear of “not being able to get a vein” gets worse with every cycle, so if your veins are bad to start with … what did you decide? How did your chemo go? xx

Hi Irina,

I am having my line fitted next Friday, the reason my onc wants me to have it is he doesn’t want either arm used because of the lymphodoema risk. I feel OK about having it as my chemo nurse showed me how it works and it’s not as cumbersome as I thought.

If I was having problems like you are I would not hesitate, when they were trying to get a vein in my foot I knew I couldn’t go through that each time. It must be hard for you each time you go,at least with the line in you will not get stressed before you go for any treatment,blood tests etc.

Chemo went Ok I was wiped out day 3 to 5 and had the normal mouth issues, however I have had back pain through the night so its abvious the side effects can ‘strike’ at any time, just when you think you are over the worst for that cycle!!
I am having daily injections as my blood count was down so hopefully that will go up so I can have 2nd TAX on time.

Let me know how you get on with line

Love x


I am still trying to decide whether to have the line, I am really terrified. Is yours going in today or next Friday Brenda? x

Next Friday afternoon, I think you need to look at the positive side and the many comments in the forum from ladies who have said they couldn’t have done without one.
I am not looking forward to having one but know it is in my best interest. The district nurse will come out to clean it.

have a word with your BCN who I am sure will put yur mind at rest

Brenda x