Anyone had liver mets that have been completely wiped out with treatment?

Hi all
Having a really bad weekend. So sad about Rebecca Ferdinand. Need some hope ! Has anyone out there had liver mets obliterated with treatment? If so , what treatment path did you follow? I’m clutching at straws at the moment !
Love jo x

Hi Sjamitch

I’m sorry you’re having a bad time at the moment.  It might help to give our Helpline a call to talk over how you’re feeling.  They are open today as normal. (9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays).  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Jo, the chemo will be making you exhausted and down too. Be kind to yourself. I can’t say all will be well but some hope…Jacksy is doing ok still as far as I know. She started the original liver mets thread in 2007. And blondie has been on Herceptin for many, many years now. I read Rebecca Ferguson’s mets were to her bones so could mention myself here, 12 years stage 4 now. Take care. X

Hi belinda

Thank you for your reply. I read blondies post! What a star she is! It’s really good to read stories like that. Wow and you 12 yrs. just what I needed to hear. Thanks for that.
Janet - thank you fir your support also
Jo xx