Have had bi-lateral MX with LD reconstruction and full lymph clearance on right hand side (16/18 nodes involved but no spread on bone or CT scans) 4 weeks ago and have been advised I should have full clearance on left side after chemo and then rads to right side. I am wondering how necessary this is after chemo as tumour in left breast no larger than 20mm and in sentinel node biopsy it was in 2 nodes, they had to do more tests to check if it was in second node. Maybe radiotherapy would be better with less chance of lymphodema and chemo may have got rid of any cancer there. Really don’t want more surgery if I can help it! And don’t the nodes help to protect you, it seems so radical to take everything out. Kate
Sorry I cannot help you with regards to both sides. I’ve had full clearance on one side as I had 15 nodes involved. My advice would be to wait and see what they have to say about the second node in your left breast before deciding if you should have full clearance. Don’t rush into it. Nodes can be helpful and protective but not in every case. You do not mention the grade of your cancer. This may also be helpful to you before you make your decision.
Thanks,Jeannie. How are you now, when was your clearance? Kate
Hi Kate
Sorry you are facing so much treatment - I can understand that the possibility of more surgery is very off putting. However my understanding is that a full clearance is always recommended when there is nodal involvement, however small. And there are other things to consider - if you have rads to the left side instead of a clearance then you wouldn’t be able to have rads again if there were a local recurrence - so going for a clearance may well be the best option both in terms of future options and least risk of recurrence.
If you are not convinced by your onc you can always ask for a second opinion.
finty xx
Hi Kate
I’m doing very well. My clearance was in 2005. This was before my hospital did sentinel node biopsies. However, I would have had full clearance no matter as I had 15 nodes with cancer. I am fortunate not to have suffered with lymphodema (touch wood) although I am very careful with my right arm.
I, personally, know a lady who had lymph node involvement (one only) and did not have a full clearance. I remember her telling me she was a grade 1 and was told her cancer was very slow growing. It may have been her personal choice not to have full clearance and settle for radiotherapy only. I’ve no doubt your cancer team will be able to advise you and like finty has said, you can always ask for a second opinion.
Good luck.
Hi Kate
I know what you mean, I have had a full clearance on one side following sentinel node biopsy. I only had one node affected, by a miscoscopic amount of cancer, they say, but the surgeon took out all the nodes whilst i was asleep, in the same operation and I did not get chance to say ‘hang on a minute, is this absolutely necessary?’
I have since wondered like you if, having been given the choice, I would have left in the remaining nodes. Easy to say now, of course, cos I know that all the other nodes were clear. So I have the risk of lymphodema and the post operative pain and numbness, for no reason.
Make sure you are given the time to make a decision you are happy with, and ask as many people as it takes.
Good luck