Hi Everyone
Not sure where to post this one but was wondering if anyone had any ideas what could be wrong with me or anyone experienced the same thingas Doctors don’t know!!
History: Dx May 06 ductal carcinoma 2, had AC chemo, WLE, Taxotere, radio and one year of herceptin. When due last herceptin had a mastectomy for local recurrence in March 08.
Pat 4 weeks had problems eating fatty foods as had colicky pain which lasted about 5 hours in the night. Ended up at A&E twice and sent away after pain subsided. Work for NHS and Consultant I work for said sounded like gallbladder. Went to GP, had ultrasound scan but too gassey so they arranged CT scan. THe findings were: Swollen head of pancreas pushing on portal vein, shunken inflammed gallbladder, abnormal shaped liver and enormous abdominal lymph nodes which were not on scan in March.
Been in hospital since last week and they don’t know whats going on, the radiologists say never seen a scan like it before and my surgeon is having a meeting with is colleagues on monday to discuss. He has said that one of my liver function tests is slightly high and another blood test is high indicating infection or lymphoma!! Problem is I am living of jam butties and mullerlight as there is no fat in them!
I have a CT scan arranged on Thurs next week and if they are still swollen they are going to take a sample.
I don’t understand why they haven’t given me antibiotics or something to see if it is an infection. My chest area is so sore as all my organs are swollen.
Anyone any ideas, feel really weird at the moment, its scary that the drs don’t know whats going on? HELP