anyone had problems following DIEP flap recon

I had a mastectomy and recon in february half of the fat has necrotised and I have now hole in my breast which is finally starting to improve but PS says will take some time I guess at some stage I’ll have to have an implant but wondered if anyone else has had a similar problem and what happened?

Hi Susie,

I had a diep recon back in oct and the result is great (I am or was a 38FF) looks like a proper boob even if it is without the nipple though. I struggled in the beginning with fat necrosis in the medial aspect of the recon which eventually settled and is now soft, however I have had to have further surgery to remove a large lump from underneath my axilla, sometimes the lump feels bigger than it actually is. This lump actually caused significant pain requiring me to use tramadol and emla cream daily - prescribed by the pain team. Luckily I did not have a breakdown in skin so can’t help there, but over time this problem may hopefully settle. I know a few others that have had an ooze for quite a period of time and it does eventually resolve. I hope this is the case for you.

Hi Sussie,

Also forgot to say that they can do lipo-filling or lipo-scuplture where they can infill any dents with fat lipo’ed from another area such as hips etc.


Hi Maryjay
Thanks for that, it’s useful to know, so is the liposculpture different to taking the abdominal tissue? Won’t I then have a dent in my bottom LOL joke

Hi Sue

I have just had a tidy up and reduction to good side with lipo of both hips and abdo, now no fat there for future use! Now expecting lipo of thighs if I need any lipo-sculpture - could do with a couple of shapely dents lol. In for a penny in for a pound and may as well get the body I would like!!!


I had a tram flap and also have fat necrosis and a hole which my surgeon has spoken about using lipo fill. It did take a long time to heal and I am due to see consultant again in two months time. Good luck with continued healing


Hi Chamomile
Do let me know how you get on. It looks like it’ll be August before the hole is healed and then will have to wait for 9 months before they will do anything to make it look normal. I can’t really believe that they will be able to make it look even reasonably good but I guess I can’t worry about that until next year!!
Really appreciate the support from this site.

Hi Susie

Sorry for not getting back sooner,have not been on this site for a while. My hole took 4 months to heal, so you may stiil be having dressings. Let me know how you are getting on.

Very best wishes


Hi Susie,
I just wanted to say hello and that I know what you are going through. I had Bi lateral Diep reconstruction at the begining of March and the left side(risk reducing/immediate recon) has partially failed. I have lost 60-70% of the flap so far. I too have a hole 3cm across and a cavity/undermineing measuring 9cm one way and 5cm another. I have been told that I just have to wait for the wound to stop producing exudate and that it will not even start to heal until that stops, and nobody can tell me when that might be.
I have felt pretty desperate over the last few months and still there is no end in sight. I had a Vac machine for two months,which was like a ball and chain and the constant noise like a generator was torture.
They mention fat necrosis in the pre op clinic or when you are signing the consent form, but nobody actually told me what that really meant, and just how hideous it can make you feel.
I met with two of my surgeons this week and they were adamant that I should carry on with this necrotic endurance test because if they took me back to theatre they would have to remove everything that was left and the skin too. At this rate I think skin is all I will be left with,but they said that would give them something they could fill at a later date.
The latest plan for managing the wound is to fit a stoma bag to collect the exodate in which I will have to measure and empty daily, this is because the conventional dressings are only lasting 22-24 hours and my peri skin is starting to break down!
I really hope things are getting better for you and would really welcome any stories of positive outcomes… I really need a light at the end of the tunnel.
with lots of love and virtual hugs,
Jos xxx

Hi Ladies,

Just got my date for my diep flap recon,its on the 14th march not long now,been telling the family im not worried or nervous,but of course i am,was’nt really sure what to expect after surgery,but just been reading some of your messages and now i have a better understanding of whats to come,so thank you all.

love maggie ann x

Hello my name is Kerena ive had Breast Cancer twice & had to have a diep flap…which went really well & very happy with the results…still got to have Lipsuction on the reduced breast…this all happened last year January 2010…recently a couple of times as ive bent over to do my shoes up a lump seems to protrude from my stomach & then goes back in…like a hernia…there is no pain but not a nice sensation…i was wondering if anyone else has had the same experience xxx

Hi Ladies,
I am due to have diep on 4th July. Reading through posts and also knowing the potential complications currently I am just feeling extremely worried about pain, recovery, fat necrosis, graft rejection, prolonged recovery etc. My biggest worry is graft rejection and failure. Could anyone who had this problem of graft rejection and necrosis of tissues please tell me how many of you smoke if you dont mind?

I am still not sure whether I have taken the right decision since I am quite well settled back to full time job for more than a year after skin sparing mx and implant in 2009 and CT. I was off work for 9 months as it took time to recover from chemo. Now with this plan of further surgery I feel if I have complications then it will be a huge setback for me personally and professionally. However I want to get rid of the implant and diep seemed to be a good choice although big operation.

Just worrying sick about complications!
Will appreciate any help and advice.

Dear All,
I didn’t get any response to my earlier post on this forum. But would like to let you know despite all the pre-op nerves, worries associated with diep i decided to get it all over with and i think it was all worth it. it has gone very well, 5 hrs surgery and it is only day3 and I am already feeling much better. Mobilising well, 2 drains, catheter and cannulas are out. washed myself, put on my own clothes and started to feel human again after a couple of tough days. Brilliant surgeon, anaesthetist and care provided by nursing staff and physiotherapist is superb.

Ruhi pleased that things seem to be going well for you. It is good to hear how quickly you are up and about and caring for yourself. I am on the waiting list for diep hopefully in a couple of months so glad to hear some positive stories.
Pam x

Hi, Thank you for sharing your experience regarding DIEP. I am due to go in on Tuesday and I rally scared and worried that I am doing the right thing but the implant that I have at the moment is rock hard and keeping me awake at night. I just hope my recovery is as good as yours, good luck with everything, and thanks again. Poonam x

Hi Poonam, I’m seeing a plastic surgeon tomorrow about a delayed DIEP recon, you will be interested to see how you get on. This surgeon has just performed DIEP on a friend who had exactly the same issues with an implant as you. She was unhappy about having to have further surgery, but now wishes she’d had the DIEP in the first place. 5 weeks post op she’s just shown me both her new boobs and the tummy scar. The boobs are fantastic, very natural shape, and the tummy scar, although long, is very neat. Good Luck for Tuesday! BB