Anyone had Sentinel Node Biopsy then needed Full Clearance?

I had Mx and SNB on 18th Feb and I got my results yesterday, and not as good as I’d hoped.

One of the two lypmh nodes that was removed during the SNB is showing traces of cancer, so I have to have full lymph node clearance.

They want me to have chemo first though, so I’ll be having an appointment in the next week or so and hopefully start that within 2-4 weeks. Likely to be 6 sessions at 3 week intervals, then a break of about a month, then the second op, probably in August.

So, I’m feeling a bit deflated today, seems one step forward two steps back, but the consultant says there’s no change to the prognosis and is still very positive about my treatment. Its just a shame that having the sentinel node biopsy, sometimes means a second op, but I suppose it also means a smaller op for some.

Just wondered if anyone else has gone through the same, and any thoughts, feelings on the process?

Love to you all

Hi Leah

Haven’t been through that so can’t exactly help but I’m sure someone will be alone soon with experience.

I think if I were you I would want to get chemo started asap. I know waiting for that was arduous as I just wanted to get on with it. If the doctors is happy about the treatment I think I would be too. It is horrible when you go to an appointment and don’t get what you are expecting. Hope someone along soon with advice.

Love Anne xx

Hi Leah,

I was in a similar situation in that I had the lumpectomy and SNB and on Xmas eve appt, was told that cancer was found in the sentinel node but not the one behind it. Apparently, cancer can skip nodes, so went to have a clearance and all the other nodes found clear. It meant though, that I needed chemo, so Xmas was a washout!

It seems that people have varying numbers of nodes. With the second op, only 6 were removed, so 8 altogether, but other people seem to have a lot more removed.

I wonder how many people go on to have a clearance after SNB. I suppose there must be enough people that don’t need a clearance after SNB to make it worth doing 2 ops.

Was your cancer a grade 3?

All the best,

At my hosp they do the SNB while you are asleep having WLE or MX. They test them while you are in theatre and if any are affected they do a clearance there and then while you are still asleep, so you dont have to have a 2nd op. When you wake up you know straight away whether there was any spread to nodes. Shame not more do this.

Yes I’m in the same boat as you. I had bi mx with recon & SNB in January and cancer cells were found in one of the 2 nodes removed. I’m having 8 x FEC then removal of all lymph nodes.
I asked if I could have nodes removed 1st as I just wanted rid but was advised that it was better to have chemo 1st.
I feel just like you - I wish they’d all been removed at once as I found the sites of SNB the most painful and uncomfortable part of the operation, but apparently lots of women have had this done unnecessarily.


Lolly - that sounds a great option at your hospital.

I had mastectomy before Christmas and SNB. Got results on Xmas Eve and was told cancer was in the sentinel node. Felt devastated. Had to go back in January for full node clearance but thankfully all my nodes were clear. Had 12 removed.

I’m currently on chemo for 6 sessions, but I can understand how it feels you go one step forward and two back. I was gutted.

Hope all goes well Leah

Krissy xx

It was the same at my hospital as Lolly’s. They test half of the sentinel node during surgery and if there is no evidence of cancer, they do not clear any more. If there is, they clear the rest there and then. However, I found out later that they then send the rest of the sentinel node to the pathology lab to check the rest of the it.

Fortunately, in my case, both tests were clear, but I was a bit upset the next day when, having been elated that the test during surgery was clear, I was told by my BCN that there was the small possibility bc could be found in the other half of the node and I had to wait for the pathology results to be sure. Still, it is a much better system, in my opinion.

Ann x

Hi Leah

I had a mastectomy and SNB. Two nodes were cancerous. So I went on to have chemo (6 cycles), then lymph node clearance and then radio. In total I had 11 nodes removed, and only the two at SNB were found be contain cancer. I am now having herceptin and tamoxifen.

I can really sympathise with how you feel. No one expected to find any cancer in my nodes as they looked fine on ultrasound and it does feel like you’ve been hit with yet another sledge hammer. It also makes you more anxious about it spreading. There was a bright side though it meant that I qualified for a CT scan which thankfully was clear.

Katie x

I had WLE & SNB and then had to wait 3 weeks for results. I had been led to believe that I would probably only need rads but then learnt that the BC had spread into the Sentinel node ( and was stage 3 Grade 3) so I had to have level 3 node clearance. I had this 2nd op the very next day after my results came through.
In my case this meant 15 nodes removed - all were clear, which was a relief in one way - but also meant I’d had an unnecessary op., lost all my lymph nodes (and now have lymphoedema)…and of course still had to have chemo, rads etc
Everyone has a different number of nodes; I only had 15 altogether.

I had SNB on its own as the treatment plan was to shrink the tumour before lumpectomy. I had no evidence on ultrasound that it had spread and it was expected that i would go on to have tamoxifen to shrink it. Unfortunately cancer cells were found in all 3 nodes removed and so now need 8 lots of chemo, followed by lumpectomy and full node clearance.

hi all, i had WLE n SNB 22nd dec was told all looked clear n just rads, but got results 7th jan grade 3 n found 6mm pea size in node. so had auxillary clearance on 18th found in 2 out of 18 so 3 out of 19 total so having 8 chemo thn 4 weeks rads havnt mentioned any scans tho do u think they r necessary! rozita xxx

Anyone thought of looking on youtube for a video of SNB? There seem to be a few, this one shows the whole op, but trouble is, you need to know French!

Hi everyone, thanks for much for all your comments. Seems like there are a few of us going (or have been) on this little side trip with the clearance op - it’s comforting to know I’m not alone.

I’ve got my head round it now, and I’m feeling quite positive again, now that the panic that there may still be some cancerous cells inside me has gone. I have to put my trust in the medical team - afterall they’re the experts! :slight_smile:

Just waiting for chemo appointment now so we can get cracking - I hate to wish the days away, but really looking forward to Autumn when hopefully all of this will be behind us.

Anyways, here’s to a comfortable and relaxing weekend as possible for us all,


Hi Leah
I had lumpectomy and SNB which showed cancer in 4 nodes. Had 8 chemos and then full clearance just before xmas (remainder were clear). Just finished rads and am having herceptin til Oct and tamoxifen. Once you get cracking with chemo the time really motors. Remember, chemo is powerful stuff and will kill anything in its path! The way I looked at it was, the tumour was gone, the chemo was “mopping up” anything that strayed and the rads were killing anything under the skin - so real belt and braces.
If I can help with your journey in any way, just PM me.
Best of luck

thanks Jayney,
I had a meeting with Onc yesterday and they confirmed that I’ll be having 6 cycles of FEC at 3 weekly intervals - just waiting for details of the first appointment now so I can get cracking, but they’ve said it will start in about 2 weeks
I was hoping it would start sooner, but I think I’m getting a bit ahead of myself because I feel so well even though my op was only 3 weeks ago.
Anyway, sooner it starts, the sooner it’s finished and I can get ready for the 2nd op and final recovery (and a holiday in the sun!),
take care,

Glad you have a plan - it feels better when you do as you are more in control. You have the right attitude, just keep that holiday in the sun in your sights. Let us know when your first FEC is. Take care and rest up in the meantime, build up your strength.