Anyone had their kidney function/blood pressure affected.....

…by either chemo or Tamoxifen? I finished chemo FEC-T Aug 2012 and have been on Tamoxifen for just over 6 months now. Had all the usual SEs of hot flushes, joint/muscle pain but recently (in the last 2 weeks) blood pressure which is normally quite low 110/70 has risen - latest was 142/86. Also a recent routine blood test by my GP showed a reduced kidney function and a follow up test ( to see if it was just a blip) was the same. My GP doesn’t seem too concerned but says she’ll monitor me every 6 months. I was just wondering if this had happened to anyone else on Tamoxifen or maybe as a result of Chemo?


HI my blood pressure has shot through the roof ,only  just found out when had my pre op assement for 2 reconstruction op,dr put my straight on blood pressure tabs and sent me for varies bloods tuesday,so not got results yet.I have been on tamoifen about 2 and half years and have same joint pain and stiffness dry eyes dried sinus that are always blocked,hot sweats,dont know how common this is with blood pressure and tamoifen?going for check on blood pressure today to see if blood pressure tabs doing anything so dont know what out come will be yet.