Hi does anyone find that the taxol after your sight ? X
Sorry ment to say ‘affects’ your sight x
Hi all just reading through a few comments and can see that ladies have been in continuous chemo for a long time, my mum onc said that she could only be on taxol for 18 weeks then they have to give the body a rest. Has anyone else heard this please ? Xxx
I had the most awful day yesterday. Pain and so bad that I couldn’t get it under control until the evening. Very tearful and my mood was so low. I’m not usually a so depressed but the pain just took over I guess.
I managed to get to sleep at 2.30am this morning and I actually slept. Although tired I feel a lot better than yesterday. I’m hoping that I get at least one good day before chemo restarts tomorrow.
Is there a pattern to this chemo? I know it’s early says and chemo nurse said at the assessment yesterday that it maybe a flare up and it affects the muscles. Just hoping it the first se and not every time?
Hope you’re all coping with the weekly tax.
Chris xxx
Hi ladies,
Hope you’re all coping with the weekly tax.
It’s been a bit of a journey last week. The 3rd cycle I was violently sick and went to the hospital to get checked out. I made the decision to have the chemo but it was the second week I had chronic the big D. I took Imodium as it was so debilitating. I was absolutely exhausted from it all. Ids this a common side effect?
Today I looked in my chemo book today and I’m not due until next week. No one said that I was 3 on and one off. I feel elated just to have a break. It’s a shame no one told me though. I’m hoping that I pick up and get some energy back.
Take care everyone
Chris x
Hi EJ81, just being noisy but are you triple negative ? As my mum has been told that she has to stop after 18 weekly taxol cause it is harmful after that amount then she will go on a hormone drug. I’ve read a few ladies are on constant chemo so just wondering is it because that is the only treatment for them xxx hope you enjoyed your holiday xxx
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Hi ladies,
Sorry I’ve got to leave you, On Tuesday evening I had a seize with no warning. I now have brain mets outlining the brain and lungs. Unfortunately they can’t do anything to for me. I’m at the hospice and may have about 4 weeks.
I’m really state but early days.
Thank you for your advice and wish you all well.
Sending you love and wish you well in this treatment.
Chris xxx
Chris…so very very sorry. All i can do is send love and hope you are comfortable. This crappy disease is beyond words xxxxxx
Thanks for tips there Carrot.
Am having chemo tomorrow from my new port and am still a bit nervous - especially as it is still healing. I will certainly try to take off doing windmills in the chemo suite before I taxol to the runway
Some weeks seem to be a bit longer than others in recovering - anyone else finding that or am I just overtired again?
Free hugs for all,
Pen x
Hi Belinda,
I’m due to start Taxol next week after E/E and Cape did absolutely nothing! I have lungs and liver mets.
I’ve been told 12 weekly sessions. If I works I don’t know what they do then? A hormonal as maintenance? How many sessions have you had? Will you have? I have read that some people have it for longer?
How have you found it?
Glo xx
Thanks for the replies, ladies.
Everyone seems to have slightly differing treatment plans, my onc didn’t mentioned the 3 weeks on and one off but we’ll see. If I do 12 cycles without missing my last will be 14th Aug and we are supposed to be going to Sicily on 30th Aug for a wedding, so hopefully that will work out!
I have good nails but found after only 2 cycles of Cape they went very thin! I love the gel nails and have all the stuff to them at home so keep them good! It’s something! I also have eyelash extensions which are fab (sound very vain but I’m not in the slightest just lazy, no mascara ever needed), has anyone tried false eyelashes? Don’t mind a wig as can try new styles! But not keen on the no eyelash look! Might be feeling crap inside but don’t want to look ill!!!
Glo xx
Thanks Helen, nothing needed yet as never had chemo but will store up all info for when needed!! I also saw Boots have Macmillan trained beauty advisors in lots of their stores! Seems trivial when dealing with life threatening disease to be talking about eyelashes but i think it’s about living with this as well as I can for as long as I can!
Thanks for all advice n support
Glo xx
Hey Ladies,
I am having weekly taxol without a break - just had my fourth in a row. Is that usual?
Pen x
Thanks guys,
I keep reading between the lines too much an worrying. I dont feel great, but nothing I can’t cope with - I guess its a bit of a trade off.
I am planning to go back to work tomorrow - Just a gentle RTW programme with part time hours and ‘reasonable adjustment’ - office of my own and sipe access so no-one sick will be allowed in - hehe… Not sure if I am looking forward to it or dreading it. I havent told anyone at work the diagnosis, and I do not intend to at this stage. The management are aware and respect my wishes - I just don’t want the ‘poor ole you’ routine…
Anyone else here working still? How do you manage the tiredness?
Pen x
My understanding is that with PIP or the DDA, ‘reasonable adjustment’ has to work both ways (for both us and the business) - as I am finding out. Politically I am in a bit of a minefield at the moment and it may not be as easy as it sounds - time will tell.
One issue (for example) was being open to infection - other staff with colds and stuff. Luckily I have my own office with security swipe access, so that box was ticked. The problem comes for me with all the appointments and time off I will need (CT scans, Onc appts, Chemo, Echos, emergencies/urgent care). Can the business support that within the budgets and under Reasonable Adjustment ? Alot of appointments may not be able to preplanned etc…
Only time will tell, but I am hoping it will work out. I feel I need to have something other than cancer to concentrate on. It’s like 4 walls around me of appointments, pills, chemo and talking about it. I need the focus of something else - does that make sense?
HUgs to all,
Pen x
Hello all - I’m new to this forum! I am 32 and was diagnosed with Grade 3, hormone and Her 2 positive breast cancer in May and had to undergo a mastectomy (I had reconstruction at the same time). I today have had my sixth round of chemotherapy … I’m on weekly Taxol for 12 weeks and I have Herceptin every 3 weeks which will go on until next July. I will then be on Tamoxifen for 10 years. Once the chemo has finished I’ll either have to have a monthly ovary suppression injection for 5 years or consider a hysterectomy!!
I noticed a comment on Taxol and would be happy to sharing my experience on it if it helps anyone (although I know everyone is different),
I hope you are all as well as can be expected ?
Due my last session of paclitaxol tomorrow! Yippee! Had good results!
Have had cold cap and although had some thinning no- one but me would know, and ATM have still got eyebrows and eyelashes!! Anyone know if they will stay that way? Also can anyone help re when I will start to feel like a human again! Main se have been fatigue and really bloated/heavy/full feeling! Off to a wedding in Sicily on 30th Aug, will I be able to cope?
Glo xx
Hi ladies, can anyone help me? have just started weekly taxol for skin mets (chest, abdomen and back) whch seem to be spreading rapidly…docetaxol/capectbne and erubllin all failed snce May.
I had my frst one on Frday and woken up today (Tues) feeling awful. My skn across the chest mets feels really tight and my back and shoulders all feel really tender and swollen, even on my ‘good’ side. feels a little like flu’ aches without then heaviness. My mets started as nodules but have developed into large sold ‘lumps’ . I feel like now have more of these and am terrfied that the mets are spreading rather than this just beng a sde effect. Has anyone else had similar symptoms?
I also found out last week that instead of beng er+ some of my biopsies in Aprl came back er- which limits my chances of hormones workng (not had much success so far) so any advce on ths would be great.
I also notice that a lot of you also have avastin wth ths chemo…is this a hormone treatment|? i do know one of the precautons wth it is blood clots and as i developed a pulmonary embolism maybe thats why it hasnt been mentioned. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Many thanks. x
Hi ladies, wonder if you can help. How long was it before you lost your hair? i have jst finished 1st cycle (3 treatments) and my hair hasnt even started to go. My bloods have been fine and i am now worried that this means the chemo is having no effect on good or bad cells. I have had docetaxol and did lose it and eriblin and it jst thinned a bit…neither of them halted the spread of my skin mets so now i’m scared the same thing is happening. Thanks for your help. x