After a long break from chemo I will be starting weekly Taxol very soon. Anyone had the same? How did you find it? Thanks. X
Hi belinda,
I am on weekly tax. I have had 4 so far. It is really ok. I had a few blips at the beginning with low blood count and had a break of nearly 10 days but that was just me ! And a c@@k up with an appointment at hospital . They give me steroids for the fist few days and sleep is not good but I catch up in the day when I can. Sickness and nausea is a prob for me but they have given me a different drug and feel much better. Let me know if you need names of drugs or any other help.
Love Liz xx
Thank you ladies! XXX
Hello, Belinda. I haven’t had a port fitted mid chemo , but I did have one fitted on the day of my first chemo. It was marvellous! So little trouble compared to hunting the vein or Hickman lines (not had personal experience of with, but reading others’ trials on this forum I can guess). I had mine fitted under local anaesthetic, which was a little uncomfortable, but didn’t hurt (the worst bit wad the inserting of the actual local anaesthetic itself - it stings!) I had prepared myself beforehand by watching some videos on Youtube, so I knew more or less what to expect. I know some people can’t watch operations, etc, but I found it very useful. If you find it too uncomfortable, the surgeon can give you an injection of (damn - can’t remember the name of it!) - tranquiliser (got it!) during the surgery. Good luck with your new treatment. Hugs, Barton.x
Sorry, forgot to say, this was back in mid 2011 - am on Capecitabine now for secondaries diagnosed last July. Had to have the port removed late 2011 as it needs flushing every 3 or 4 weeks.
Thanks, Belinda. Hope all goes well for you (and you, EJ). Hugs. Barton.x
Can anyone tell me if you can have weekly Paclitaxe in the futurel or other similar taxanes if docetaxol (taxotere) failed after e cycles? Xxx
Meant to type “after 3 cycles” not e cycles!
Hi Belinda, My port was placed March 2006! I’ve never had a problem. I went thru our same day surgery unit. I was put under for it. I didn’t like the sound of it being done in the chemo ward. Mine was placed in chest goes up the right jugular. My surgeon said it’s the best place for it. Funnyface
I dont think the weekly taxanes like taxol and Paclitaxel would be available for me though? If ive not responded to docetaxol ? xxxxx
Strange thing belinda. …I’m craving greens too - lots of them. Broccoli, sprouts, green beans, cauli. And liver and onions lol!
Good luck with your treatment. You can sure feel the difference when the temperature drops when you have less hair! Even in bed my head feels cold but i haven’t lost all my hair…just gone lot thinner so had it clipped shorter too.
Hi has anyone had darkening of the skin on your hands while on taxol ? Xxx
Hi belinda, at first my mum had sickness, diarrhoea and a very sore mouth but now 10 weeks on she isn’t getting any side effects but mentally she isn’t coping at all and I’m finding it very hard to know what to say as I don’t have any of the answers. How do you cope from day to day ? She was looking forward to coming off the chemo but she is now very worried that the hormone therapy won’t work xxx
Hi EJ, I can see that you have done your time with taxol, if you don’t mind me asking but do you have secondary ? And where are yours ? Xx
How long have you been deslibg with liver mets ? I hope you have plenty of support from you family and that chemo is working this time round ? Have you been on any hormone therapy ? Xx
I’m sorry to hear of your dx and wish you well. Please keep in touch xx
Thank you belinda for your advise. I have just left my mums this morning and she is near rock bottom and saying she can’t cope, she has just had a scan date through the post for the 4 th March which I’m hoping will show some sort of improvement as the bloods have improved loads since starting chemo then maybe she could move forward a little. It’s breaking my heart seeing her so sad when she is the one that holds us all together xxx
Thank you belinda for your link I will save this for my bed time reading and when I’m doing a night feed for my 7 week daughter xxx
Belinda, Hope you are hanging in OK on taxol. Gemcitibine is going good for me. Just extremely tired! Funnyface
Thanks you belinda for the auzzie site it was very interesting to read and did give a lot of hope. Thanks again and I hope everyone is coping well from day to day with your treatments xxx