Anyone having or had Paclitaxel?

I may have to change my treatment due to some side effects of steriods/GCSF.

If I do I will have to have Paclitaxel on a weekly basis. Wanting to know if anyone has been on this on a weekly basis and what the side effects were. My main concern is that I won’t have any good days as no time to recover before the next dose. 

Grateful for anyone’s experiences.



Hi, I had EC X 3 (once every 3 weeks) then weekly paclitaxel. I’ve had 8 so far and have my 9th and final one this week. I can honestly say that you really don’t feel like you’re having chemotherapy at all. With EC, although I didn’t have any side effects I realise in hindsight that I didn’t feel quite right although I couldn’t really put my finger on it. However, with paclitaxel I feel completely normal. I have my chemo on a Thursday and this week when we got back I cooked dinner, Friday I did a full day’s work and yesterday we met some friends for a drink and then dinner after. I do feel a bit more tired than normal but, apart from that, feel fine. My oncologist also told me to take omega 3 supplements to help with the peripheral neuropathy side effects which I have been doing and have not suffered with that either. I don’t know if I’m particularly lucky but my onc nurse said that paclitaxel is generally very well tolerated.

WMJ, I went through weekly taxol treament x12, no vomiting at all, little nausea, just some tiredness.  It dropped my blood counts pretty good, so I had to have boosters, and blood twice.  Everyone is different.  I start AC tomorrow, and I am scared, have to admit it…

Weekly paclitaxol is much kinder than FEC. You shouldn’t find you spike with highs and lows. My bloods stayed pretty constant. Some people get a bad reaction within minutes of the first infusion, but nurses will have antidote at the ready. Good luck

I tried icing hands and feet but found it too unbearable on top of cold cap. I had no problems with neuropathy and all nails stayed intact.

I started Paclitaxel on Feb 10 so today is day 10. I’ll have it weekly for 12 wks then radiation. I’m HER+ so I also get Herceptin every 3rd week for a yr. ( I had 1 bout of diarrhea from the Herceptin)
So far I’m nauseated every day but the anti nausea meds usually prevent throwing up. ( Not a fan of barfing). Today is the first day I’ve felt like a truck hit me. Very achy and sore.
Still have hair…

Munchkinrn1. Did you lose your hair and when? I’m nervous every day waiting for the shoe to drop. I’m on day 10 of weekly Paclitaxel.


I’m due to start Paclitaxel this Friday.  I’m encouraged to read the side effects are not too bad.   Hated FEC when I was treated in 2014.

Fi x

LollyMum - I am doing weekly Pax and side effects are manageable! Are you weekly?

Hi all

Hope everyone is okay. 

I am due to have my second pacitaxel tomorrow - hoping my bloods and calcium levels are good enough to go ahead  I feel well today, after being more wiped out than I thought I would be, but obviously the liver function being poor isn’t helping. 

Just wondered if anyone knows more about how pacitaxel will work on the tumour. I was hoping this was a medicine that would reduce the tumours, but the bcc leaflet says it controls. Has anyone had experience of it reducing the size of their mets? F x