Anyone heard of them not getting all the lump away?

I realise I sound paranoid but I need to air this problem. I had my mastectomy on the 13th october and it looks like a really neat job- very straight smooth scar, bruising almost all gone.

Whats bothering me is at the end of my scar (end closest to other breast) I can feel a lump about 1 cm above the scar. This is roughly where one of the tumors were. I asked the consultant last time I was in to check it (not my own consultant- he was off sick) and he gave it a quick feel and said it was probably the stiches underneath. I cant feel any other stiches underneath at the other end or anywhere else.

Someone tell me I sound crazy- I mean after he op they must have it all right? I know Im getting further treatment in case any sneaky cells are there but this is different. Anyone else had anything similar or any advice - would be most appreciated


Hi Yvonne

I have heard of quite few people who have had lumps which turned out to be stitches or scar tissue etc. but if you are worried I would contact your BCN who is usually much better at giving info on what is usual and what is not!

Jo xx

Hi Yvonne
I had an mx on the 30th Oct. I too have a funny lump that I was worried about in the same place as you. when I enquired what it was, and I asked exactly the same question as you, I was told it was nothing to worry about, it was where they has joined the skin together and the muscles etc underneath. I have been told to massage my scar area with cocoa butter or E45 cream, any moisturising cream really to ensure the scar area does not harden. It has gone alot softer and not so sore, and the lump has lessened.
Hope this helps, speak to your BCN if youre still worried, try massaging.
Take Care