Anyone in Barcelona?


My name is Michelle and I was diagnosed with breast cancer just 5 months ago. I had a lumpectomy in May and I am now in the midst of chemotherapy with 3 sessions down and 13 to go. Just wondering if there is anyone in Barcelona? I am from NL, Canada but have lived in Barcelona since 2003. Although I love it here and feel this is my home it´s still tough having friends and family so far away, especially when you have a 16 month old and no one to turn to for help. So I am just looking for someone who understands what I am going through.


Hi Michelle,

I hope you get a reply from your fellow forum users soon to offer you some much needed support, I know there are some users in Spain but don’t know the exact locations, hopefully someone will be not too far away from you.

You might also like to join in our Live Chat session on Thursday evenings, this is where you can ‘talk’ in real time to other users of these forums where I am sure you will be given a warm welcome.  The session runs between 8.30pm and 9.30pm (UK time) and is hosted by a Nurse and a Moderator so there’s always someone to talk to.  I’ve put you the link below for you to have a look at.  I hope this helps.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator