Anyone in Burnley / East Lancashire

Hi guys, I’m in Padiham, and have my appointment at the breast clinic next Monday morning, after a referral by my GP. I’m 41, and found a small, hard lump whilst in the shower. I often wondered if I would actually know if I felt a lump - well, I did, it was very obvious!
I’m obviously very worried, I’m a single mum with a 15 year old daughter and a 2 year old son, and doing my best to stay positive, but I have a few worried & dark moments!
Can anyone tell me when I’d get the results of the tests - is it the same day, or dependent upon which checks they carry out? And is it true I can’t apply deorderant as it can effect the results???
Whatever the outcome, it has certainly made me look at things in a different light, and put a few things into perspective!

Hi Clazzers,

Sorry you find yourself in this mess. The worst of all is the waiting. All I can say is, we all felt like you when we were first referred. It’s horrible, but Monday will come soon enough and the breast clinic at Burnley is excellent.
Please try not to worry, most lumps turn out to be absolutely nothing. If yours does turn out to be suspicious you are in very good hands.

I imagine you will be having what they call the Triple Assessment - mammogram, ultrasound and if necessary a biopsy. This is all routine. None of these hurt, maybe slight discomfort, but nothing at all painful. The Consultant Radiologist will tell you what she thinks after the mammogram and ultrasound, and if she feels further investigation is necessary she will do a biopsy. The results of the biopsy take about a week. You will be given an appointment there and then to return for the results, and you will be allocated your own breast care nurse. She will go through it all with you and you can ask her any questions you have.

You shouldn’t wear any deoderant or talcum powder at all on the day of your assessment as this does interfere with the tests. Also, do take someone with you. There may be some waiting around, and 4 ears are better than 2 for listening to what these experts are telling you.

try to enjoy your weekend … and good luck for Monday. xxx

Hi Lola65,
thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Just having a clearer idea of what to expect makes it a little easier to deal with. xxx

good luck clazzers xx, let us know how you go on xx

lola we will have to keep each other upto speed on the chemo

Hi Ladies, Have any of you found your way to the Younger Breast Cancer Network (UK) on facebook (i think you have to be under the age of 48).
It is a wonderful group to help and guide you through this horrid period
I believe there is a link under the Younger Women section on here, if you cant find it on facebook xx

Hi Tabitha,

Because I have to have another op on 22nd I won’t be starting until later in March. I have a provisional appointment with the Onc on 6th March. Just fed up with being kept in this awful “waiting room”.

yeah i can understand that lola, i get my results tommorrow so i find out when my chemo starts,… or if i need any more surgical treatment,
i could do with finding that younger womens group, im on facebook so will look on there,
if you see me on it on the facebook group add me sir name is ***** x purple hair at the mo but its changing everyweek last week it was pink, im trying out every style and colour till i lose it, might as well play with it whilst i can x

Hi Clazzers
How did you get on at the breast clinic? Thinking of you xx

Hi im 37 and have 4 children I had mx 2 years ago im going in for my reconstruction on the 25 feb has anyone been through sit so I no wot to expect and if I can help anyone that is going though it plrase ask I had chemotherapy and radio aswell so just ask thanks

hi, my results , good news and bad news, but not really bad news, ok, they got all the cancer out of my boob, they thought it was a lot bigger than it was, they thought 5cm, it was 3cm this means i might not need radiotherapy (fingers crossed),
bad news , she had to take some lymph glands out to check if it was there as well, the first one she took was cancer then the 2nd had a tiny trace, so she is fairly certain that it has all gone from the lymph glands but as a precaution i have to have them all out, i will be having it done on friday next week, xx
im happy with the results and kind of what i was expecting, so looks like my chemo will be starting later as well lola x

Hi Tabitha ,
Nothing is ever simple with this crappy stuff. I’m sorry you have to have a full clearance, but much better to be safe than sorry - and on the positive side your cancer has gone from the boob and you may not need radiotherapy. That is GOOD news. It is beginning to look like we may be in that Chemo room together. My appointment with the Oncologist is 5th March.

Welcome Lynz. Thanks, and no doubt we will be calling on you for some tips and tricks to get us through this chemo

yep linz definatly will be wanting updates from you, i will be having recon as soon as i am able ,

consultant thinks about 4 weeks after op so yeah, hopefully we will be chemo buddies xx

Hi Lynz, get yourself onto the facebook site Younger Breast Cancer Network (UK), there will be ladies on there that can give you advice xx

Hi Lynz,

I do have a question for you as you have been through the chemo at Burnley. What is the unit like at Burnley? Can someone sit with you? From what I have read on other threads and forums they seem to differ wildly.
If you need extra meds for sickness or other side effects and you ring up between the cycles, do you have to go over to Burnley to collect them?
Anything else you can tell me?
Probably stupid questions, but uncertainty and fear of the unknown make everything so much worse!

Tabitha - hope all is going well for you today.


thanks lola, just a bit sore today, i have been told they have a cold cap at burnley for chemo,
i have decided i’m not using it as i have spent so much on hats and bandanas lol,

I’m not having the Cold Cap either. It sounds very unpleasant and uncomfortable, you have to have it on well before your chemo starts and keep it on a couple of hours afterwards - all adding to the length of time you are in there. My hair is very fine so I’m sure I would lose it anyway. I’m going out tomorrow with my daughter to chose and order a wig. Jumping the gun a bit but it will make me feel better. Then I’ll get some caps and bandanas.

i did have very long ginger hair, but i have gone shorter and played with the colour, i am having real fun changing the style and colour on a weekly basis, i have bought loads of caps hats and bandanas from charity shops i have got so many i doubt i will get to wear them all, im turning this negative into a playfull possitive

good luck for the 22nd lola,

Hi Lola, hope you are not in too much pain and you make a speedy recovery. Healing hugs being sent your way xx

Thanks! Hugs received!!!

The op went well, and I was back home by 1pm. My boob is very tender. I think more so than last time, but I slept well and feel fine in myself. The staff on the Burnley Day Surgery Ward are wonderful.

Back in the Waiting Room again now, waiting for the results and my Oncology appointment on 5th March.

Tabitha - it’s great you are loving your new hair style and having fun with colours. I’m not that brave!