Hi, I’m a 39 year old, married and have an 11 year old daughter and just wondering if there is anyone from Burnley / East Lancashire area wanting to meet up? I was diagnosed last Friday and am having my op this Monday 6th Feb and am absolutely petrified of the results - is there anyone local in same position? Jo
Just wanted to say this is the hardest part all the not knowing as soon as u get your results and get a treatment plan to blast cancers ass you will start to feel much better
I was 34 and have 2 girls 6 and 12
Get ya pink gloves on girl and fight and I am in your corner xxx
Hi Alison, many thanks for your comforting words - I just can’t stand this waiting!! Are you local to East Lancs? Jo
Hello there Jo
I was born and bred in Burnley - close to Pike Hill to be precise. I am about a 20 minutes drive and would be up for a meet if you wanted. I am 55 dx with Invasive Lobular back in May 2011 - done the chemo, had a mx and now waiting to start Rads.
I am in Nottingham Hun
Keep your faith I am going for a scan tomorrow as they have found a enlarged node in my chest there not happy with 2 years after my first diagnosis so I am on the waiting wagon and crapping it myself Hun - keep your chin up you can do it
Hi Debbie, yes definately would like to meet up, I’m going for my op Monday (6th feb) so as soon as I am well enough to drive I will contact you and arrange if that’s ok. I don’t no much else at the minute other than I’ve got grade 3 breast cancer, not sure of stage etc yet. All they have told me is I will have the tumour, surrounding tissue and a node removed on Monday then sent for testing and I will get my results in 10 days after that - that’s the bit i’m dreading and am really, really struggling with?
Alison, good luck for today hun, I have everything crossed for you, please let me know how you get on when you have your results won’t you? My hubby is from Melton Mowbray so I come down that way quite often to visit his family and often go into Nottingham shopping so perhaps we could meet for a coffee sometime? Take care. X
I am in Burnley and while I have no diagnosis, I am at the breast clinic today after being referred by my doctor!
Hi Sommer43, really sorry to hear that you are at the clinic today, please let me know how you get on - I’m only very recently diagnosed but if there’s anything you want to know then please feel free to ask / inbox me. Fingers crossed (and everything else) for you hun. X
Hi Knoybabes and all,
Well, had my screening, mammorgram, ultrasound and FNA.
Consultant stated he was 90% sure it was benign and that it was a fibroadenma. As this is condition more common in younger women, I am a little sniffy about this, I am nearly 44, entering the peri menopausal period as a recent blood test has come back with my FSH levels high. While I am certain that consultants don’t go around stating stats such as 90% certain that it is benign, I am sitting in the 10% side today, but I will come through that!
I have not yet had the results of the FNA as there were some delays with the results coming back from the lab and it being after 4.30pm.
So now waiting on the results.
Knoxy? Good luck for Monday, I am sure you must have so many emotions running around your mind at the moment… I can only imagine what is going on with your thoughts and as I am smack bang in Burnley, if you need anything, please just let me know.
hi, i was diagnosed with grade 1 breast cancer in january and i live in blackburn i am due to start radiotherapy next month and this has been the most scariest journey of my life!!! if you want to chat or meet up please feel free to contact me as i am only 37 with 4 kids and this still scares me with all of the hospital jargon x x x
hi, i;m rossendale, i have no diagnosis but at the clinic on th 27th dec, never been so scared in my life, i’m a mum of 5. Good luck to everyone x
Hi, i’m in Accrington. Diagnosed Sept 12, had lumpectomy Oct and currently undergoing radiotherapy. I currently have no children. How are you tabitha 1969? x
I’m having treatment etc in Burnley. I was diagnosed 27th December and am having lumpectomy and SNB on Friday 18th Jan.
Hi Lola 65, Good Luck for tomorrow. I had my lumpectomy and snb at Burnley, everyone was wonderful and the staff could not do enough for you. Will be thinking of you xx
hi, i got m diagnosis on the 2nd, boob is coming off on 25th jan at burnley, everything is moving so fast, from having no idea a month ago to now xx
hi lola you wouldof been there the same day, i was there all morning (on 27th dec)
Hi Tabitha,
How did the mx go, and what is next for you? I had a lumpectomy and SNB at Burnley on 18th January. I have a wonderful surgeon - she is brilliant. How strange we were at the clinic on the same day, although I was there in the afternoon. I have an appointment on Wednesday 30th and might then have some idea of what is next for me. Definitely chemo and Herceptin as I am HER2 Pos. and Hormone neg.
Hi Taffy,
I couldn’t agree more. The staff at Burnley have been fantastic - breast screening clinic and day surgery unit. I haven’t got as far as the chemo bits yet.
hi the mx went well… the staff are fab!!! i have no pain what so ever,my contsultant is great we most likely have the same woman (*****), i go back in a week to get my results, and treatment paln, its looking like chemo in about 3 weeks,hope all went well today, if we end up having chemo obn the same day we will have to meet up for a brew xx
Great news Tabitha - and positive vibes are on their way to you that you keep on being painfree after the mx. Yep, we have the same surgeon! I saw her this afternoon and got good news and bad news.
The good news is she confirmed that she had removed all the IDC invasive tumour with clear margins, and no lymph node or vascular involvement. There is no evidence that I still have any of that left behind. Phew.
However, there was some DCIS found within the removed tumour and this hasn’t got clear margins. It extends beyond the IDC on one side, with only 0.5mm margin of healthy tissue. So I have to have another op to shave off some more tissue from that area, in case she didn’t get it all. At least DCIS isn’t invasive. The second op is scheduled for 22nd Feb. More waiting, and it means my chemo will be delayed another 3 weeks or so.
Good luck with your chemo - and maybe we can have that brew some day! xxx