I’m 29 and was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with an invasive ductal carcenoma. I have my lumpectomy on the 11th September at Gloucester Royal then I will have chemo and radiotherapy in Cheltenham.
Just wondering if there is anyone else out there in a similar boat.
We were due to get married in October but we’ve brought the wedding forwards and now’s it’s the 5th Sept which is cool because I’ve had something to focus on.
I have amazing friends and family but it would be nice to be able to chat to people going through a similar situation.
Welcome to the forums, I’m sure other users will be along to support you soon.
In the meantime you may find it useful to contact our free helpline on 0808 800 6000, opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 – 2.00
hi fairyem
Welcome,so sorry you had to join us but you will gets lots of support and any advice you need from the fab ladies on here .there is a group of ladies from gloucestershire on here under"anyone from gloucester "we meet together once a month for a drink and chat,you are welcome to join us anytime on the site or join us for a drink we are all ages and at diffrent stages of treatment.Good luck with your wedding it was good you could change date at such short notice keep posting and let us know how your getting along .
Take care
maud x
Good to hear there is a bunch of people near by, I would love to meet up. I shall have a look under that Gloucester thing.
Had my pre op assessment today and the nurse was lovely, answered all my random questions!
Thanks for getting back to me.
fairyem x
Hi fairyem,
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, and at such a young age.
I too had surgery at GRH…lumpectomy…my surgeon was Mr. Sammon…now retired and replaced with Sarah Vestey.
I was diagnosed with Grade 3 invasive ductal breast cancer, 12mm tumour, no nodes involved no vascular invasion.
My oncologist was Kim Benstead…had chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy and then 5 years of Tamoxifen…[which I have ust completed].
My breast care nurse at GRH is Jane Fide…though I have seen them all at some time or another.
I was diagnosed in jan 04 aged 43.
Please feel free to private message me, and if you’d like I will give you my e-mail address.