Anyone in Lanarkshire/Glasgow newly diagnosed

Hi - I used the forum for the first time yesterday, still getting used to the format and the navigation. I’m keen to correspond with anyone nearby.

I’m attending Glasgow Royal Infirmary for a mastectomy and reconstruction on Thursday 28th. Very new to all this, very scared and full of fears. Anyone at a similar stage or more experienced with this horror, please let me know.


lynn sorry youve had to join us here

im from edinburgh but work (not been there since may) in glasgow… there is a glasgow and EK thread on here and most are a wee bit further on, however we have all been through similar fears to your own.

i think surgery itself can be a scary prospect… id never had a GA till i was diagnosed with BC… although iv not had an MX or recon its something i may have in the future due to carrying one of the cancer genes.

the girls on the glw and EK thread often meet up in glasgow.

there is a maggies centre in glw too and they are very good for support either in groups or as a one to one.

i hope you find the support to help you through this scary time.

Lulu x

Hi Lynn

I had a mastectomy and reconstruction on the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow in August 2006. I can only say that the doctors and nurses were absolutely fantastic.
I know you are very scared and full of fears but believe me the worst part is the unknown and the waiting.

Please believe me, everyone does their best to make sure you are comfortable and help you.
Who is doing your operation? I had Professor George and Mr Malyon.

If you have any more questions or if you want to pm me for any more information please do.

Love and take care.
Thistle xx

Hi Lynn,

I’m just coming up to my first anniversary since diagnosis…I normally chat on the Glasgow/East Kilbride thread, there are a few of us who all had surgery and treatment last year. There are a couple of girls who had mastectomys, I only had a Lumpectomy so I can’t help you with that…Their ops were in the Royal also and they had lots of good things to say about the Royal and the surgeons.

if you check on the latest posts section the other thread will pop up once someone has written on it…been a bit quiet as it’s the week end. I know this can be a real scary time for you and this site is fantastic for help and support. Please come on here and ask about anything that concerns you, we are all here to help and support each other. We all know how you’re feeling right now and we know that this can be such a rollercoaster ride. Have you been told anything about your cancer type/size ect? and any treatment you’ll be having? There will always be someone on here who is on the same treatment as you and there are quite a lot of different ones.

Under the surgery section there are threads which can give you advice on surgery, what to take into hospital and what to expect afterwards, all invaluable advice.

Where abouts in Glasgow are you? I’m crookston, near Silverburn. We normally meet in town for lunch every couple of months…

Lots of best wishes

Fiona xxx

Hi Lynn

As well as the support you are receiving from the other users you may find the BCC resources pack helpful. It has been designed specifically for those newly digagnosed and has information to help you understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like to order a pack just follow the link below:- … tionId/82/

If you would like to talk things through with someone please don’t hesitate to give the BCC helpline a call. Here you can talk to a trained member of staff who will be able to offer you support and information. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 to 5 and Saturday 9 to 2.

I hope this is helpful.

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Thanks all. You asked what I know, the script so far: an 11mm tumour in my left breast with pre cancerous cells in another area too so its a mastectomy. Mrs Lannigan from Wishaw General is doing the op and Mr Mckay is the plastic surgeon doing the reconstruction. Tissue extension with an implant - (any idea how long I’ll be in hospital? )

They’ll do the sampling lymph node thing too, been told by the consultant she’s 90% sure it’ll involve chemo, think she said because of my age (46)

Thanks too for the info re the EK/Glasgow thread I’ll be sure to keep an eye out.

Kind Regards
scared, Lynn

Hi Lynn - I live in Bellshill and had a mastectomy 29 October last year - i haven’t had reconstruction yet but thinking about it. I am half way through my chemo at Wishaw General - my consultant is Mr Cannon. I am 48 and can tell you this is the scariest thing I have ever experienced, it can also be the lonliest The support from this forum has helped me through many long nights! It is a long journey but you will get through it!

Good luck for Thursday - stay strong

love and hugs


Hi Lynn, I stay in Gartcosh, welcome to the place where we never want to be but glad we have found the site as you get so much support from all the lovely girls.

It is all very scary, but somehow you get through it, good luck with your op, im sending you a hug xoxoxo

I like Fiona post mainly on the East Kilbride/Glasgow thread started by our lovely Sharon

take care

Carol xx

hi Lyn
I was newly diagnosed Jan 5th, had lumpectomy Jan 7th. Waiting for 1 result from surgery and seeing oncololgist next tuesday for treatment plan. I live in Lanarkshire. I hope your surgery goes well.
I take each day and week at a time, once you recover from your surgery you will start to feel more positive- its the only way to be.
Best wishes keep in touch

Hi Lynn
I’m down near Lanark and I had a mastectomy and immediate reconstruction in September 2008 at the Royal in Glasgow. I also had the same team as you are having, Mrs Lannigan and Mr McKay. They are brilliant! I am very please with the recon (LD) and it matches near perfect once I’d had the reduction and uplift on other side (March 2009).

All the best.
