anyone in my area north east wales

hi im 39 and just been dx with stage 3 bc. i have had my wle and slnb on 28th sept, going back for results on wed. worring times.

Hi Jellymould

I’m 50, not exactly a ‘younger woman’, but I’m in north Shropshire - so probably not too far away from you.

I’m a bit of an ‘old timer’ - I was dx Dec 2010 with a 5cm, grade 3, ER++, lobular cancer. I had to have the ‘full monty’ of treatment - mx + immediate recon, chemo and rads, but managed to keep working through most of it. Active treatment finished just over a year ago (apart from tamoxifen) and I was back at work full time shortly afterwards.

2011 was pretty rubbish - 2012 has been much better! Hope your results are OK tomorrow and you get your treatment plan.

Good luck!

thanks DJ, really scared about tomorrow, its the not knowing that gets me. i’ll be fine as long as i know. oh well chin up, another day. x

Hope it all went well - let us know how you got on and what’s next for you.

If you are within striking distance of Shrewsbury and fancy meeting up, there’s a few of us meeting on Sat 27th in Bistro Jacques. Age range - eary 40s to early 70s. Stage of treatment - still having chemo/herceptin to 6 years NED - so plenty of experience to share. You would be more than welcome to join us.

Take care

hi DJ got my results today, stage 3 triple neg no nodes involved, waiting to see onc now for chemo and rads. this is the scary bit. would love to meet up, but im quite a way from shrewsbury. thanks for the offer keep me updated as maybe one of them i will. x

Good news about no node involvement - I’m guessing you mean your cancer is grade 3 (which is about how different the cells are to normal ones and how aggressive it is) rather than stage 3 (which is about spread - how far the cancer has got in your body)
Chemo and rads aren’t pleasant but they ‘doable’. If you have a look in the ‘undergoing treatment - chemotherapy’ section you’ll find lots of good info and advice. You might want to join a thread with women going through chemo at the same time - great for support.
Have a look at the info section on the main site as well - they’ll have downloadable info about treatments and triple neg cancer.

I had FEC-T chemo - feel free to ask any questions!

Take care