Anyone in pain 3 months post Mastectomy?

Hi, I had right sided single mastectomy, no reconstruction on 23rd June. Was doing OK I thought but now struggling with more pain and just feeling uncomfortable all the time. Bras hurt, sometimes get shooting pains but mostly its the constant ache. Not sure if exercise makes it better or worse (think it is worse). Wasn’t expecting this, it wasn’t in the brochure! Anyone else with me? 

Hi Nicola

Yes. In fact (sorry to say this) my mastectomy (and full axillary clearance) was in October 2018 but, three years later, I still experience pain. I’m told it’s partly to do with what nerves are severed and how well they heal but I also have chemo-induced neuropathy. Recently, the pain has been worse as all the TLC I’d learnt to give it got abandoned for other treatment.

Those exercises are essential, believe me, but they don’t need to be strenuous. Gentle stretching is efffective. Personally I’d ring my breast care nurse for advice. I’d also be off to the GP(if you’re able to get an appointment) for pain relief. Painkillers aren’t effective but there are medicines for other health conditions that impact on pain: amitryptiline, gabapentin and eventually pregabalin are the ones I’ve tried. It sounds awful but the changes were due to my body, not failure to ease the pain. I’m happily on pregabalin now and, although I do still have pain, it’s not something that gets in the way of life like it was. Medication isn’t everyone’s preferred resolution but, after months of wincing and ouching and not being able to swim to build up my strength, it was the way for me.

I am now determined not to wear a bra. I’ve had two prostheses and neither matched my other boob or stayed in place so I choose what I’m wearing carefully and go bra-less. If it bothers anyone that I’m unbalanced , that’s their problem.  However in the early days, I found sports bras with a broad underband were the most comfortable. Under Armour proved best. Comfort bras don’t have enough grip so they ride up and chafe the breast muscle that hurts and mastectomy bras seem to be built like fortresses and can be uncomfortable if, like me, you were relatively small breasted and could choose whatever bras you liked.

Hopefully others may offer other solutions. You’re right, it wasn’t in the brochure - there’s an awful lot that’s not in the brochure if you’re unlucky. In this case, you’re unlucky. Keep with the exercises but start with your breast care nurse is my suggestion. I hope it eases off for you xx

I know this will sound mad but I was glad to read this as I had left breast mx on 17th September and it didn’t seem so bad when I first came home but then pain is definately worse now than then. The constant ache and pain when you move is so annoying, I really thought I would be feeling so much better 4 weeks down the line. I take  paracetamol and codeine for arthritis but it doesn’t do anything for the breast pain, I guess I’m going to have to speak to my Dr and try and get something that works.

I’ve started Letrozole as well and the constant headache and lower back pain is also bringing me down. I’m trying to stay positive but it’s getting harder and harder. 

I appreciate everyone’s honesty on here it certainly makes you fell less of a moaner and less alone.  Let’s hope we all find something to give us some relief eventually. 

Hi there
Did your pain eventually go? I’m now 9 months post mastectomy and SLNB and 6 months post rads but still have horrible tightness and pain and can’t get my arm all the way back. I think it’s swelling that’s causing the restriction. Still doing lots of stretching and seems to be a little better than it was but it’s driving me crazy. I read lots of posts on how quick people recover and yet I’m still struggling. Just looking for some hope. X

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My case is a bit different as I’ve got implants, but I am interested to find out how quickly people’s recovery time has been from mastectomy with implants… I am only 3 weeks post op,but it feels worse now than it did initially- constant pain where the nipples were and tightness and really sore skin on top of the breasts. I do take paracetomol and ibuprofen but I don’t think it makes much difference. I just want to know if it will ever feel normal and when it will start to feel better. x