Anyone in Scotland starting chemo in July

Hey there
Sorry the nurse could not help you, but keep telling them if it does not get better. I Really feel for you, but hopefully it will not last much longer. When I was first diagnosed I was very anxious and still am sometimes. GP gave me low dose diazepam to take when it’s bad. It took the edge off a bit. But not sure if it would make you feel worse just now so would check first with nurse.
If you search Audable for hypnosis live, there is lots to choose from to help with sleep or pain.ect.
If you have any good book recomendations I would be grateful to hear them.

Hugs Vx

Oh, I was offered imediate reconstruction but everything seemed to be taking too long to start treatments so I opted for just MX. As it would have taken another 3 weeks to organise reconstruction. I could not handle waiting any longer. Right now I think no more surgery for me if I can help it. As I ended up back in hospital for a week with an infection. But who knows maybe in the years to come I will change my mind.

Evening ladies,


AJ, you shouldn’t be suffering like this. You need to make sure they know about the metaclopramide and your sleep deprivation before you get your next chemo. What sleeping tablet did your GP give you? I was given lorazepam at my pre chemo to take the night before and morning of chemo, it’s a benzodiazepine but oncology seem to use it as an anti-sickness med as well. It’s a blue pill, were you not given any? You could ask for that from your GP and also ask for some from Beatson at your next blood test before 2nd chemo. I would be surprised if you didn’t get some sleep with that. Are you usually quite sensitive to medication? One of the nurses at the day unit when I was having my chemo showed me some meditation stuff on youtube, just search for "Jason Stephenson on Youtube.


Right, how do I get this audible app on my Samsung, just ditched my iphone so no itunes but got googleplay. Is it free? I’ve been listening to audio books for years but I just get them from the library.


Do you know you can get six free complimentary therapies from Cancer Scotland at the Calman Centre at Gartnavel campus? It’s in the old church near the old psychiatric hospital, it’s a really lovely calming place. Google Calman Centre Cancer Scotland and the website will give you all the info. I was there today seeing the Podiatrist to get my feet done. I’ve also had reflexogy (it’s not sore at all) and I got my nails done with dark polish to stop them getting damaged from the chemo. You should check it out when you’re at Maggies on Monday, it’s 2 mins down the hill from there. I’m going to book myself in for my good week after my second chemo I think. That’s good to know there isn’t a huge waiting list. I want to go to the headscarf class too.


Vintage, how are you? Thanks for the info re your lymph nodes. I had 3 taken as well. I got my bloods taken at GP this morning. I wish everyone took bloods like my GP! Didn’t even feel a scratch, she said she used a butterfly needle, a pale blue one, apparently they’re colour coded. I’m going to ask anybody who takes my blood to use one of them. I’ve never had a problem before surgery as typically I have huge, juicy veins on my surgery/right arm.


Please do let me know who I get the audio books on my phone, excited about that, how sad. Lol!


Hazel. xx

Good evening Hazel ,
Thanks for the info on Maggies and Callan Centre, I will have a look into it. My nurse mentioned that the look good feel good sessions may be stopping soon. Don’t know if it’s just south lanarkshire area but that’s Really sad if true.
You can down load the Audable app via Google play. Or what I did was I already have an Amazon account set up, if you search audio books on amazon it gives you the option to download the book to audible. So you can use the same email and password as your present amazon account. As it is linked.
You get one free book per month. The books can be expensive but I listen to the hypnosis ones over again and I also have some comedy ones (Billy Connely and others) that I listen to over again. Any problems with just ask.

Thanks AJ for the recomendations. I will give A Fault in your stars a miss for now, lol, I have watched the movie and I don’t think I could handle the book just now. I also cry at happy endings , my family take great pleasure in laughing at me when there is an emotional movie on.


Oh forgot to mention,
After first free month with it is 7.99 per month I think.

Hey AJ
Oh no that’s awful. Do they think it might settle?
Must be hard to cope during the day with a fuzzy mind. How do you manage?

My first oncologist meeting is next week so I think chemo starts the week after that.
I have had a very stressful week also, waiting on ct scan results. I may have to have a rescan. Also had some other lumps and bumps checked yesterday on ultrasound. But they have put my mind at rest for now as all came back as cysts.
Also had my echocardiogram yesteady.
Feel like I am never away from doctors, but glad of the reassurance.
Did you get any tips on eyebrows at the LGFG?
I have been looking at the wowbrows in boots but can’t decide on a shade.

Hope you can get some sleep tonight.
Hugs Vx

Not wow brows I ment wunda brows!

Hi guys,
Sorry i’ve been away for ages, i’ve been doing much better. Had my second chemo yesterday and have been pretty good today, my mouth is loosing taste and a bit tired but my heads not too bad. Hoping now i’m off the anti sickness that made me ill i’ll be better.

They gave us an eye brow pencil at the class and showed how to work out what size they should be. My eyebrows are still in, just my hair thats gone. I got a gell for mine which I was recommended from amazon, Lipocils by Talika is about £30 and encourages growth.
Here’s a link for eyebrow length:

Audrey xx

Thanks for the link. Will be useful.
Hope you guys are doing ok.
I will be having my first of 6 Fec T and H on Monday. I am very nervous. I had bad hyperemisis with both of my pregnancies so apparently I am high risk of being very sick on chemo. Just hope the drugs keep it under control.