I’d like to meet up again too - starting chemo next week though so not sure yet how I’m going to be feeling. I think just go ahead and arrange something that fits in with the majority - if I can make it, I definitely will!!
Lesley xx
I’d like to meet up again too - starting chemo next week though so not sure yet how I’m going to be feeling. I think just go ahead and arrange something that fits in with the majority - if I can make it, I definitely will!!
Lesley xx
I’d love to meet up again too and Bristol suits me too as just over the border in South Wales. Am remaining off chemo for the time being so am pretty felxible with days but can’t do Mondays and would prefer Weds or Fridays if poss. As Feb is so short and we’re into March already it would be good if we could perhaps pencil in a date in soon or get a few suggestions of possible dates.
Good luck with the chemo next week Lesley. I’ll be thinking of you.
Not had a good week as had a virus, but luckily did not turn into anything worse.
Would love to meet up again,most days good for me, not Friday. Going away for 4 nights in Cornwall on 25th march.Due to have a scan just before that which is making me a little nervous.
Hope everyone is O.K.
Hi Everyone
Its nice to hear that you all would like to meet up.
Has anyone got any idea where we can meet up cafe?
i was thinking a day in the week from 23rd-27th mar or we can leave it untill april,
please get back to me on what days are good for you all and i will arrange it to fit around everone! hopefully
Marmite sorry to hear that you have not been well hope you are felling a lot better now, take care
hello all ,hope everyone is well and coping with the treatments etc.as for meet ups im ok for most days really ,maybe not a thursday as thats my daughters day off and i help her spend her wages !!!lol!! but most other days are fine ,have an appointment with breast surgeon on 7th april but besides that resonably free .lynn x
Thursdays are not usually good for me either.
Lynn, I have PMed you.
Lesley xx
Cannot do end of March as away for a few days, but early April good for me, any day except Friday. Bristol is good or anywhere nearby, whatever suits everyone else.
just back from india and catching up on this thread. unfortunately i broke my arm and dislocated my shoulder while i was away at the end of a wonderful holiday. so i won’t be able to drive for several weeks. i will have to catch up with you all when i am back in circulation.
sorry to hear of you mishap anne , when your feeling better we can arrange a meet up as i know some of the ladies are in the middle of chemo etc .hope everyone is ok today and enjoying the lovely sunshine .ive been in the garden but have had to give up as my arm is bad today ,could do with a gardener handyman these days !! see you all soon .lynn xx
I’m away from 22nd for a week to foreign parts - so April would be good for me, although not from 6th - 10th. Having said all of that my brother who also has a shitty disease has just been taken into hospital, so i could be away unexpectedly too. I’m trying to say it’s probably best not to plan around me at the moment - although i would miss you all.
Hello everyone
I’m hoping karron is ok as I’ve not heard anything for a while…
we seem to have no advancement on a meeting - how does it usually happen?? I think Marmite & Celeste have both been on meets in bristol before… any tips for arranging something???
I’m fine, but working too hard.
Whats new, eh - except that I’d vowed not to do it after treatment!!
Td xxx
hey i was at the last bristol meet up ,we just all got together on here to work out a time and place date etc ,dont know how some of the other ladies are faring as they havnt been posting for a while ,but it would be great to all get together again soon .lynn x
I posted on the secondaries thread that I’m up for another meeting and May would be good once the Easter holidays are over and done with. My 4th chemo (if all goes according to plan) will be on 11th May so would probably prefer to avoid that week in all honesty. But Mondays and Wednesdays are best for me and either the first or third week of May would be great.
Lesley xx
HI Everyone
sorry have not been on for a while as not been well since last chemo,I will sort out a date and a time for us all to meet after the easter holidays,Hope you all are ok and look forword to meeting you all
Take care karron xx
yes, wednesdays good for me - mondays impossible…
Where’s a good type of place those that have done it before???
Td xx
hello all ,hope your having a restful easter. there are a few good places to meet up ,we did the cafe rouge last time ,but there is browns and a whetherspoon pub near the top of park street ,so anyone else come up with ideas as yet? .x
Hi ladies,
Is there any chance that I can join this group? I am currently undergoing chemo at Weston General but will be receiving radiotherapy at Bristol later this year (all being well). It would be nice to chat to others in the same area.
Hi Jinjan,
I’ve sent you a p.m.
Next meeting - at Browns in Bristol Tuesday 11th August - not sure what time we usually meeting
This will be a primary and secondary meet up - Everybody ok with that?