Anyone living in the South Wales Area???

Hi all

Im about to start my second FEC T chemo session next week and would love to hear from anyone in the south Wales area for any advice or just a chat.


Hi, I’m not far from Llanelli and I had fec and tax back in '04.xx

i live in South Wales. Finished my FEC in Feb this year. Im 43.

Hi Happy73,

I also live in the South Wales area - in Neath. I’m 42 and having weekly taxol for a regional recurrance under the collarbone. Previously, had FEC (2008) and I’m being treated privately at Velindre through BUPA and Healthcare at home. I’m glad you started this thread!

Best wishes,
Sarah x.

Hi I’m in Cardiff and have just finished 6 rounds of FEC at Valindre hospital. I am about to start my radiotherapy on Wednesday. I really can’t speak highly enough of the treatment and support I have had at Valindre and also at Llandoch where I had my lumpectomy.

Good luck with your chemo. My advice would be if your side effects get rough speak to your nurse, there is so much they can do to help with these now, don’t just put up with them because you feel you have to. Also look after yourself. It’s a tough thing to get though but you will. People told me at the beginning that it would go quickly and I thought they were crazy but I’m 3 weeks past my last this Wednesday and I can’t belive how quick it went.

Also treat yourself, whatever does it for you. Chocolate, good book, tea and cake with a friend, …or in my case once I was over each round a glass of wine.

I wish you the best of luck, and I hope it goes as well as it can for you.


Hi All,

I am 42 and living in Cwmbran so fairly local…

I recently had lumpectomy at the Royal Gwent, due to have my first session on the 22nd July…

Feeling more and more anxious as the date gets closer …

I visited Velindre last week for a heart scan and will be going there to have my radiotherpy after my Chemo

Best of luck to you all…

Sal x

Thank you so much for your posts, its good to hear from you all. Im having my treatment at home with healthcare at home so feeling a bit isolated as Im not meeting anyone in the same situation.

Im having my 2nd FEC treatment on Wednesday but at least that will be another one out of the way.

Kells Im with you on the glass of wine and the odd chocolate.

Sarah how have you found having treatment at home?

I can see how having treatment at home would make you feel a bit isolated. This website is brilliant though and will give you lots of chance to chat to people who understand how you feel. I didn’t even realise you could have this treatment at home.

Wish you the best of luck for number two, just keep ticking them off. Are you have six FEC?

Sal are you having your chemo at Valindre? Good luck with your first one. The first one is the strangest cos you don’t know what to expect, but I’m sure you will have fantastic nurses to get you through.


Had my op at Llandough. But chemo and rads at Velindre. They are marvelous there!!

Any secondary ladies from the south wales area on this site ?

Hi Kells

My chemo I will be having at the Royal Gwent on the 22nd july, so not long… I have been down to visit the clinic & met the nurse. Who I must say was great and nothing to much trouble…


Hello all how you doing?

Jack 148, have you heard about a support group held at the Parkway? Think their called the South Gwent Support Group? Im in Blackwood so not too far away from you. I didnt have my surgery in the Gwent as I couldnt get an appointment for about 8 weeks, so used my Private health care package from work.

Kels - Im having 3 FEC and 3 Tax. Just had my second FEC chemo yesterday and feeling a bit sorry for myself as Im really tired and have a stinking headache. For those of you who’ve been through this before did you have similar symptons??

sarah x

Hi Sarah

I have heard about the support group at The Parkway I think they meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the evening. I haven’t been yet but have been thinking about it …

Sorry to hear your not feeling brill, Im sure its normal…

Keep your chin up


Hi Sarah and all the other S.Wales ladies!

Sorry to hear you’re feeling grotty on FEC - I did 6 lots 2 years ago and found it horrible, especially the last couple. I found ginger ale and wine gums/sports mixture gums really helpful with the nausea, which I had all the time, even with meds. There’s not a lot you can do about the tiredness, apart from sleep! As for headaches - just painkillers, as long as you check your temp.first as they can mask a high temp.
I find Healthcare at home really great, in answer to your other question. I have Sheila and David here regularly and they came in 08 as well - they are lovely.I must admit that it’s a relief not to have to trek all the way to Velindre twice a week, or even Singleton in Swansea, which is much more local. The only downsides are, as you say,feeling isolated from others in a similar position and the fact that my son, who’s 11, gets upset when he sees me having chemo.and has to go to his grandparents. Still, I’ve done 16 taxols and (hopefully!) only have 2 more to go - can’t wait!

All the best,

Hello South Wales Ladies

Starting to feel a bit more normal tonight so I thought I’d say hello.

Sarah68, thanks for the advice Ive not tried wine gums as yet. Ive been drinking lots of orange squash but the taste is really weird at the moment so I sent my other half to the shop ealier to find me something else. I fancy lemon drops for some reason but he couldnt find those.
I think Ive met most of the Healthcare at home team now. David did my first chemo with Lizzie, Shelia did my bloods and Chrissy did my second session. I totally agree that they are completely brilliant and nothing is too much trouble but its just the isolation that gets to me. So please South Wales Ladies keep the messages of advice coming. Sarah so glad you’ve got most of they way through it, Im sure 2 more will fly by.

Kells - How you finding your radiotherepy?

Best Wishes to everyone


Hello :slight_smile:
My name is Julie, I’m living in Swansea, diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago. Ive had all my treatment and everything has gone to plan, but I think only now its hitting me whay actually has happened, anybody out there feel the same way?

Hi Julie,

I’m Sarah, 42 and living in Neath. I know exactly how you feel - I had ops and treatment from Dec.07 to July08 and spent a lot of last year feeling in limbo and quite depressed. Had a recurrance in lymph nodes this year, which has left everything far more uncertain, and, paradoxically, feel less depressed and more able to experience happiness in everyday life. Seems odd,I know. Try to keep busy and realise, if you can, that you are lucky to have come out the other side of this horrible experience feeling well.

All the best,

Hi gang
Only just come across this South Wales thread. I’m living in Monmouth and had chemo and surgery at Nevill Hall in Abergavenny, but loading doses of Herceptin, rads and heart scans at Velindre.

I agree that I have nothing but praise for the staff there (and at Nevill Hall too).

I’ve just re-started Herceptin after a break due to dodgy muga scan results, so still have 8 months of treatment to go.
Flora xxx