Anyone near Corby?

Hi, I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radio 6 years ago. Had the all clear then the ******* came back. Have had a bi-lateral mastectomy in March of this year and have just finished my chemo.
Score so far…Me 2, cancer NIL.
I’m having my reconstruction from a tummy tuck next year.
Am going to be Fabulous at 40 !
Am looking for peeps in the Northants and surrounding areas, to start a group to meet up every week / fortnight / month…
What are everyone’s thoughts?

Hi Lis123

There is a post kicking around started by reemiechick with a few people from this area for exactly the same thing. Fingers crossed it can get up and running but the first one was postpones due to various chemo treatments & SE’s.


Excellent. Thanks for your reply Stuart.

Have messaged Reemiechick ( as well as a couple of others )…

Looking forward to responses.

Hope you’re well.

Lis :O)

Hi everyone!

Just to let you all know, I have found a support group in Corby!
It’s The Muggleton Centre, within Woodnewton School, on Rowlett Road, Corby, which offers support to anyone who has had to deal with cancer.
It is in conjunction with Integrated Cancer Therapies.
It offers complimentary therapies, information & advice, nutritional tips and is basically somewhere where we can all meet up and chat.

At the moment, it is open on Tuesdays 9.30am - 1pm but hopefully we’ll grow…

Please feel free to drop in or you can contact me on 07792 397 598.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Lis :O)

Hi Lis, I am in the Kettering area, went to a support group last night. Is in the treatment centre at KGH last tuesday of the month 7.30. Only 5 of us there so the more the merrier.
Where is Rowlett Road in Corby???
Thanks, Debbie. xx

By the way Lis, are you on facebook. x

Hi there
I live in Market Harborough. My mastectomy and treatment will be at LRI but may have to change to KGH for my chemo as the travelling may get too much. Any opinions about the unit at KGH gratefully received. First Oncologist appointment on Monday which I am not looking forward to.

Hi Elle58,

I had my mastectomy at Kettering General Treatment Centre, then chemo at Northampton.

The treatment centre does administer some chemo treatment, however, not all drugs are licensed there, hence why I had to go to Northampton. You’ll need to ask what your options are.

I can’t fault any of the staff in either of these hospitals, however I do not like Dr Rashed at the clinic at the Treatment centre. Just didn’t take to him, he hasn’t got a lot of time for patients, as all doctors really…but the Breast care nurses, the ward nurses, fellas who take you down to surgery, and Joy the receptionist are all fantastic.

My oncologist Dr Matthews,at Northampton, is great. Many a time I’ve been in our appointments over an hour, he makes time for me, which is refreshing.

I’m having my reconstruction at LRI, but my appointment with Dr Varma isn’t until 16 December, however I am going to my GP to try and get in sooner…

You’ve just got to ask whatever questions you have and demand answers, and try and go with the flow…

Good Luck, and keep in touch!!

Lis :O)

hi all

Im in the kettering area, qiute new to this only had WLE and SNB last week. I didnt realise there was a support group at the treatment centre and will try to make it to the next meeting but it would be good to meet up for a coffee and chat.(not far from the town centre if you wanted to meet up sometime?)donna x

Hi Donna, have just read your post. I am also near Kettering, would like to meet up if possible. I have been to the muggleton centre a couple of times now and they are great.
Also to Elle58, who asked about Kettering treatment centre, I can’t praise them highly enough, they have all been great.
Please add me as a contact if you want to, then you can pm me.
Hope to see you at the support group or the muggleton centre soon.
Take care, Debbie. xxx


I would like to re-iterate what Debbie’s just wrote.

I’ve just had a lovely “no hands” massage there today, and it was wonderful. Much deeper effect and very pleasant indeed.

Hope you’re ok Deb and hopefully meet you guys soon.

Take care, and keep smiling.

Lis :O)


Hi Lisa, I am supposed to be having a no hands massage next week, but as chemo was delayed not sure if I will make it.

We seem to always miss each other. It’s also nibbles and stuff for christmas next week isn’t it? If I feel up to it I will try my best to get there.

Hope everything is going well for you. Take care.

Love and hugs. Debbie. xxx

Hi everyone

sorry not been able to log on for weeks(not sure if its me or general) will try to get over to the Muggleton centre, corby next week as chemo been delayed for a week and now start wed 13th. hope you had a good christmas and new year. best of luck hope to see you next week. x