I am in the lucky position of being told i need no more treatment.
Cancer was multifocal invasive ductal, grade one and tiny (biggest tumour 5mm, other two were 2mm) Ive had mx and recon, no vascuar invasion or spread to nodes.
The doc says that i dont need chemo or rads and he’s not putting me on any hormone treatment either. I asked for my receptor results and he said that they couldnt get clear results from the original tumour.
I am hugely releived that i need no more tratment but i want to know if hes not giving me hormone treatment because i dont need it or…because they cant get receptor results through some hospital cock up.
Basically has anyone else been told the dont need any hormone follow up stuff? I know you dot if you’re triple negative, but the doc doesnt know if i am or not.
(Im only 29 and know they tend to chuck everything at you if you’re young)
Hi Lou,
as I mentioned my friend had cancer in just one cell tested to see what it was receptive to. They send them to specialists, in Londonn I believe and take 3 weeks or so to come back. Hers was so much smaller than yours and was tested. Please challenge this for your sake
Lily x
Louise this does sound a little odd for someone with multi focal cancer to just depend on mx and leave it at that. Hormone therapy really is the key weapon in preventing recurrence in HR+ women - to miss out on that would be a great shame.
If I were you I would push to have your samples retested at another hospital. It is common practice in the USA for women to have their samples tested by more than one pathologist if initial findings are inconclusive. What about your HER2 status?
5mm is more than large enough to obtain some kind of response I would have thought.
I looked this up online and apparently even if the hormone status is unknown the likely response to it is still overall 10%. That would be worth it for me, leave you to make your decision
Lily x
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My hormone status was found from my biopsy sample - my tumour was only 4mm at operation, so they should be able to find out for you. Ask to see your path report
I was grade 1, tubular cells, no lymph involvement, clear margins and I had 15 sessions of radiotherapy, so ask why you are not getting anything.