Anyone currently/recently/soon-to-be on chemo in Herts?
Like to email, chat, compare notes etc?
Hi Tarragon,
I’m in Cambridge and just started chemo yesterday, when are you starting ?
Belinda xx
Hi Belinda
Hope you’re doing OK and managing the side effects.
I go for second FEC tomorrow - four weeks after first (of six). The second was delayed, but if the side effects are the same as the first then I’ll be happy - if you see what I mean
I’m in Stevenage/Welwyn Garden area.
Hi there
In Hertford and see the oncologist on Wednesday, to see if I need chemo, in addition to the radiotherapy and Tamoxifen.
I had a WLE and lymph node removal on the 4/10 and woulkd be interested in contacting/meeting with people locally to exchange laughs and moans…
I’m in Stevenage and finished Fec and Taxotere at the end of May, just after my 51st birthday. I’ve had radiotherapy and am now on Herceptin and Tamoxifen.
I’d like to email/meet like minded people.
Look forward to hearing from anyone.
I’m in Watford.
I finished my chemo - 3 FEC 3 Tax at the end of Sept and started my rads today.
Hi i am in St Albans and start fec next tues. Anyone recommend a good place for wigs.
Hi Den
I went to Hair to Ware, in Ware - very good, they were suggested by the hospital, I am at the Lister, not sure which hospital you are under.
I have FEC3 on Friday…there are a few of us that are trying to get a meet up going for us Herts ladies, if you are interested!
Please feel free to ask about anything, as I have found sharing experiences a great help with getting through this
SJ xx
Hi Ladies,
I finished chemo in September and rads in November. I live in Enfield, and would just like to say Hair to Ware is an excellent shop, very helpful and lovely ladies
Sandra x
Hi thx for the info on wigs. Would be interested in meeting up as this as new to me and would like to share experiences.
I would recommend getting one from the NHS! I went to a very expensive and exclusive wig shop in London and bought 2 wigs £150 each and then went to see the nhs people (Mount Vernon Hospital), they offered me choice of the same wigs for free (i didnt get one!) but please try them first as the choice is much better than you think !!
Hair in Ware is a great shop and also offers wigs on the NHS (with your own contribution if applicable). They are very helpful and knowledgeable.
Hope this helps.
Nikki x
Den - I am also in St Albans, now about halfway through chemo. I got my wig at ‘Serena’ in Harpenden but I have also visited ‘Hair to Wear’ in Ware and found them much better so I would recommend you go there. Is it next week you start your chemo? Where are you having it?
Thanks to you all for the wig advice. I had initially booked to go to one in harpenden but then read on here about hair to ware. I was meant to go last Thursday but had to cancel as my little girl was unwell. Am going in just over a week as my chemo starts this tues and not sure how I will feel. They were very good when I cancelled and said to me that if I did feel well enough to go the week of my chemo to just ring first thing and then they will fit me in.
I am having the cold cap in the hope to cling on to my own hair or at least until I make it to the wig shop.
Also, I have rung grove house in St Albans who run a course called cancer the next steps. I am trying to get onto the may course. Have a look on their web site if any of you are interested. A friend of mine went and recommended it plus it’s free.
lou1 - my treatment is at elstree where is yours?
I live just outside Hertford. Finished chemo and radiotherapy last year. Hair to Ware very good. My wig was excellent and lasted all of last year, in fact could still wear now if necessary but luckily hair growing back now. I tried to go to St Albans but at the time I rang early last year they wouldn’t accept me as said was out of their area. Also applied when I tried to go to somewhere in Harlow. Glad you have found somewhere because it really helps. I went to Cherry Lodge in Barnet eventually and they have been really supportive all the way through.
So, is there anyone wanting to meet up? Wigs or not! (I got mine from Hair to Ware too)? I live just outside Stevenage… found a good village coffee shop/tea room if anyone’s interested in a meet? Feeling a bit low this weekend (FEC 2 first weekend)… horrid taste has arrived again, though no sickness… anyone out there? Jane