Anyone on Herceptin for 6 months?


I was diagnosed with her2 positive just over a year ago. I have had chemo, radiotherapy, herceptin and now started 3 years of zoledronic acid.

So… my question is how many of you have been offered 6 months of herceptin over 12? I’m feeling a little short changed as most countries still have 12 months as standard. I keep checking info to see if the information has been updated but many websites (including this one!) still say 1 year is the norm. Anyone?

Thank you!

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There was some research that showed 6 months was as effective as 12. Have a google. I found this article. Maybe ask your oncology team next time you get chance. Best wishes.

Six months of Herceptin could be as effective as 12 months for some women with HER2 positive breast cancer - Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre.

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Hi sarahc-123 my diagnosis was same as yours, I had chemo with 18 months Herceptin and zometa which I’ve just finished, not 100% sure why less Herceptin but it left me with reduced heart function so I had to start heart meds it’s been difficult but I’m so much better than last year, it’s all a learning process while fighting cancer, take care hun an be kind to yourself XXX

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Thank you! Yes is this the Persephone trial? I’ve read about this but my query is that almost every other country still recommends 12 months as standard and even on the UK websites, they still say this. I’m kind of feeling like I’m part of the trial!

You had 18 months herceptin?? With a tumour less than 1cm? That’s a lot… I’ve not heard of that either. Are you in the UK? All the best to you going forwards, hope all is well. xx

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Yeah it’s really messed with my heart function, it’s taken 8 months of beta blockers and ramipril to slow my heart down, so it could recover, I was told herceptin was a bit of a wonder drug for BC , my tumor was 3cm with a 1cm tumor behind it which would have turned to active cancer , I’m so much better now , yes I’m uk , my mother and young sister both had BC thankfully my Braca 1/2 where negative.
, hope your doing ok lovely take care and stay strong XXX

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Thing have also changed with radiotherapy, my sister in law had twice the amount of radiotherapy that I was given , mine was condensed down to five sessions over one week which was quite a new way I was told . XXX

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My oncologist suggested six months which I agreed to. He said all new information says that 6 is as good as 13 and that ‘the impact on the heart is real so less is better’. I feel a little worried at first to be getting the reduced version but now I’m at peace with the decision. I was added to a trial but not sure which one. Good luck with your treatment

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