I am due to start on Pertuzamab, Herceptin and Docetaxol on Weds and Thursday. Scared about all the side effects. I have already been hospitalised twice with neutropaenic sepsis and Oncologist has warned that there is a greater risk of sepsis with this combination. Any advice would be helpful.
Hi SuzyEB
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Digital Community Officer
Hi SuzyEB - just seen this so hope today is going well. I started that regime in December 2014, had Herceptin and Perjeta on 23rd December and the Docetaxol on Christmas Eve. Finished the Docetaxol in April and managed fine. Not saying it was pleasant but doable. Worst SE was diarrhoea but see your chemo team who will help. Also was tired most of the time. I tried to eat well and bloods were ok and did not need the injections for white cells. It sounds as if you may have had chemo before as you say you have had neutropaenic sepsis before.
Unfortunately I had my Herceptin treatment suspended due to changes to my heart but was put on medication and it has recovered sufficiently to restart the Herceptin. I have not had too many SE’s from the Perjeta and Herceptin and nothing to worry too much about although tummy is still a bit dodgy.
I hope you do not worry too much, think positive and don’t read negative comments !! lol
Good luck for today and tomorrow. Marli x
Just seen your reply and it is really helpful. I had neutrepaenic sepsis on my first and second FEC but been ok since. The first of this new lot has been hard. I have diarrhoea which is not too bad but expect it get worse. The tiredness had been awful. I sleep most afternoons and also through the night. I see my team in 2 weeks and will discuss it with them. Definitely struggling to maintain a normalish life. My heart is ok at present but due for another echo before next chemo. The GCSF injections have caused some bone pain but as they are helping the neutropeania I am going to keep going with them. Thank you for replying
I was beginning to think I was the only one on this combination. I hope your treatment continues with few problems. xx
Hi Suzy
Not sure if you’ve had any info but I have been on this combination since 19 August every three weeks. Am due to have my last chemo next Tuesday 1 dec bit will continue with other two every three weeks for next year. Any help I can give just let me know. Good luck