Hi all, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and spread to lymph nodes last september and had surgery in October. I started my chemo in November and have just had my third cycle. I cant seem to find anyone else having this form of chemo. Hellooooo is anyone out there? Please get in touch if you are already having TAC therapy or just about to start? I am here if you just want to winge or ask me questions. It is a touch regime but if you can stick with it xx
I just tried to submit this comment but it has disappeared, sorry if it comes up twice! My mum is having TAC chemo and had her first session yesterday. So far she is ok with no real side effects but I think they may come on in the next few days? How is it going for you and what side effects have you had etc? Any advice appreciated!
Jo x
Bump for smiles. Maybe you could pm these ladies if there is not much info.
If you follow this link you will find a fab selection of comments etc about tax. breastcancercare.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=29573&p=535550#p535550
I had 6 cycles of TAC. Harsh but doable, worst thing for me was mouth ulcers and oral thursh.
Feel free to ask any questions, if I can help I will.
I did TAC too and I’m also quite happy to answer questions either here or by PM.
Nymeria xx
Hi Ladies,
I am having Tac x 6. First was Monday and so far so good but I know chemo is progressive. How did you all cope? Any specific TAC problems (nails seem to be one) Any feedback would be welcome.
Thanks xx
I had 8 x TAC which finished end March (scheduled to have 6 but opted for extras!).
I had 2 days of fatigue on days 5 and 6 and taste changes for about week or so each time but other than that I found it OK. Other than the 2 days each cycle I worked full time throughout.
I had no probs with finger nails but both big toe nails started to discolour around cycle 8 and I am expecting to loose them any day now!
Energy levels are slowly returning and eyelashes started to reappear this week (lost all but not until very recently) - still waiting for head to show any signs of growth though…
Let me know if you want to know any more about my experience.
I’m having TAC at moment, just had cycle 3. Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions, or anything at all.
mummy29 (now 30!) x
Hi Ladies,
TAC2 for me tomorrow, fingers crossed it will be the same as TAC1 which wasn’t too dreadful.
Did anyone have trouble with weight gain? I am working very hard doing exercise nearly every day but still putting on weight. Maybe I need to rejoin a slimming club as I am prone to weight gain.
I hope you’re all doing well
Smile x
Hope TAC2 has gone well for you again.
I’m just getting thru TAC4 at the moment, hope to be feeling better soon but for some reason this round has been better than the 1st three! Random but I’m not complaining!
mummy29 x
Hi Mummy 29,
All going well so far for TAC 2 apart from the steroids keeping me up at night. Last day on them today so should catch up. Glad TAC4 is treating you well. Dare I ask how are the eyelashes?
I ditched the cold cap as my hair was shedding everywhere and it was doing my nut it. I have adopted the GI Jane look and it feels quite liberating!
Keep well,
Smiles x
Hi smiles,
I still have eyelashes!! And eyebrows!! I’ve been using Rapidlash on them which I don’t know if its that that has helped or whether they would have stayed anyway - but either way I’m happy!
The GI Jane is a good look! I can’t wait to have my GI Jane back again as am fed up of looking like Richard O’Brian, Patrick Stewart, Duncan Goodhew, you name your choice! I really miss washing and brushing my hair, sad isn’t it!
I’ve been told that some people’s hair starts to grow back after chemo 5 so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for next round.
I have a wedding to go to next weekend and am dreading looking so rough and frumpy, I’ve put on so much weight but I just can’t stop eating rubbish fatty foods (I crave fish and chips all the time!).
How are you?
mummy29 x
Ah, the lovely (not) effect of the steroids, they really do give you the kind of buzz you could well do without!
I found the secret was to be sure to take them absolutely no later than about 1pm, otherwise I was still awake at 3am.
I lost all my hair and eyebrows but this morning I noticed that I have some embryonic eyelashes - wahay! My hair has only just started growing back though and that’s after almost 2 months post-chemo. Sadly the leg hair was the first thing to reappear but I guess you can’t have everything!
Mummy29 - it’s not sad to miss brushing your hair! I had waist length hair and I really miss that too! I’ve been told that brushing with a baby brush regularly helps kick start regrowth which I’m doing, but really it’s not the same. Just remember that it *does* grow back!
Weirdly I didn’t have food cravings, in fact I had no appetite and lost far too much weight. It’s proving really hard to put it back on again.
Nymeria xx
Yeah for eyelashes!!!
I’ve been using a rapid lash equivalent and ordered more today and one specifically for brows. We’ll see if it works for me - although I don’t want to loose the brows, mine are fair so I don’t think it’s quite as traumatic as those with dark hair.
Mummy 29 I’m thrilled it has worked for you, Nymeria glad that you have first shoots re-appearing.
Day 4 post TAC2 and I’m ok. Had a rough day yesterday, (tbh compared to what other people have been going through it wasn’t rough at all) I could have slept all day. So far the mouth is a little furry but no sickness etc. I do feel lucky and I’m looking forward to my better weeks 2 & 3
Weight and eyelashes are my two biggest concerns, some may call me shallow but if I only had one make up item on a desert island it would be mascara. I also lost 2 stone a year ago and had been managing to keep it off until I was diagnosed. 1/2 stone crept on rather too quickly, possibly also due to giving up my 15 a day dirty habit. However my goal is to at least stay the same which is a challenge with the lovely steroids.
Because of this I have had to increase my daily activity, I bought a second hand tread mill for days that I don’t want to go out and I’ve been talking the dog for 2 miles on the days that I can. I also have a dusty selection of wii fitness games, some light hand weights etc that I’m starting to introduce on ‘good days’. As I said, I may rejoin my old slimming club even if it just keeps me aware.
Nymeria, I’ve read somewhere that caffeine shampoo helps with regrowth- Alpecin. I was using in incorrectly post cold cap so I probably aided my hair coming out.
Mummy 29, I don’t think it will be too long before I join you in the Duncan Goodhew look a like contest!
I have to ask about blood counts - do either of you know what is normal? I’ve been reading posts where people say there’s is 0.8, 0.6 1, etc or similar. My chemo nurse said mine was 10 - could that be right?
Hope you’re having a great day
Smiles xx