Anyone starting chemo, 26th March

Hi All,
Im starting chemo tomorrow and apart from being in a panic was wondering if I needed to take anything with me. Ive been told sea bands help with the nausea and Im going out to do a stock up shop today. I have a list of questions for the hospital. Is there something else I should be doing ???. Ashford Hospital are gonna love me !!!

Hi Scally wag - quickly check out the tips for chemo thread. Apologies if you know these things already but most common things are - drink loads starting today - then during then the next day,

All things ginger! - biscuits, fresh etc

Ice cubes, lollies sweets

Perhaps a blanket and paracetamol if you’re doiing the cold cap.

Very best luck


Hi Scally wag.

I took a whole bag of stuff with me for my first chemo, only to discover that the oncology unit provided absolutely everything - drinks, sweets, biscuits etc.
Have something to eat before you go. Like Lyn says, drink as much as you possibly can before, during and after. When I get home I guzzle ginger beer like a woman possessed! It helps me with the nausea and its one of the few things that doesn’t taste strange.

Good luck for tomorrow…if its anything like the place I go, you’ll find them all lovely and friendly and you’ll relax once you’re there.

Sue xx

Thanks for the tips, i love ginger so will stock up, seems as though im going to be there a while, my daughter is doing the honours for me. I hope she can be with me whilst im having the treatment. I will let you know how it goes.x

Hi scallywag

Here’s the link to a very useful thread which has been running for a while and contains some great tips:

Best wishes

Hi Scallywag
best of luck for tomorrow
will be thinking of all of those doing chemo - hope you all get thro it OK and are soon looking back on it, not forward to it

Hi Scallywag, good luck with chemo today. I’ve not started chemo yet but have my appt with Oncologist today to find out my treatment plan and am feeling so emotional and anxious. My friend had dx bc last year so know a little of what to expect but am very tearful. Trying to be strong in front of my 8 yr old and 12 year old.

Let us know how you get on. My friend said she counted down the treatments to feel better and more in control.

Big hugs,
Kiti x

Hi Scallywag, hope you get through today OK. I’ve been reading through the advice you’ve got here as I’m starting chemo on Monday, so thank you too for starting this thread! I’ll be thinking of you today. Rachelx

Hi Girls,
The deed has been done and even though I had to wait for 2 hours cos they lost my ecg and other notes, it seems to have gone ok. Just feel a bit fuzzy headed and I cant open my eyes fully ???. Been sent home with Dexamethasone tabs,Ondansetron tabs and Domperidone tabs, the latter sounding rather like a very expensive champers lol. Ive also been given 2 lots of Lenograstim injections which I have to do next friday and the following tuesday. That should be fun. Im not sure if I should read all the leaflets that come in the boxes but I probably will but not yet. Im keeping my sickness bands on just incase but have been told to be careful of my surgery arm. Im just glad the first one is done and during the next few days will know what to expect next time. Going to try some food in a bit as im starving and will go for the little and often approach. Thanks again for the advice and support, I really appreciate it.

Welcome back Sally. Glad it went ok, despite the delay.
Just wanted to say, don’t be surprised if you can’t sleep tonight - it seems to be a common thing that all those lovely toxins and meds cause a bit of insomnia.

Sue xx

Hi Sally,
I’m two days ahead of you, had my first chemo on Wednesday. I was a bit nauseous Weds evening and then was sick at about 9.30pm then felt fine afterwards. Was on a high yesterday, spent all day in town shopping, but didn’t sleep too well last night and have slumped a bit today - just feeling a bit slow to get going.
I’m taking dexamethasone (steroids) for 3 days, plus Domperidone (anti-sickness).
So far I haven’t lost my sense of taste, or my appetite and am doing the little and often eating plan!

Hope you don’t get hit too hard with it - what chemo drugs are you having? I’m on FEC.


Hi girls,
Im on fec too Leah, Thanks for the tip on insomnia, was thinking of going to bed for a couple of hours but maybe i will just watch the tv and read all the gumf ive been given. The chemo nurses told me to take the second lot of steroids dead on lunch time because if i take them later i will be wide awake all night. Soooo much to take in and remember, sooo little brain One strange thing that is happening is writing this thread I keep filling up. Im thinking its the build up to today and to be honest im not a weepy kind of person but I cant seem to stop this, its just happening. I will probably be laughing next, i honestly think ive got a problem upstairs, lol xxx

Its ok Sally. Those of us who may sometimes be considered by some to have a “problem upstairs” are now officially allowed to blame it on chemotherapy. Sometimes you have to dig around for them but occasionally you can find some perks! lol

Sue xx