Hi everyone, I’m starting chemo next Friday at Leighton hospital, my first 3 treatments once every 3 weeks is EC Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide, the next lot are Docetaxel (Taxotere), 6 rounds in total, I have already circled in my last treatment…14th July, I have been told no radiotherapy needed, will be on tamoxifen later. I will be trying the cold cap, will see how it goes. Obviously slightly worried about all the side effects during the treatment, would be good to hear if anyone else is going through the same course.?Xxx
Hi Munchkin
I start mine this Monday!! 3x FEC then 3 x Doc like you every 3 weeks. I’m not looking forward to it I must say but to be honest I just want to get started now. It’s been a long journey already and waiting is a nightmare. I no it’s going to be hard, we don’t know what side effects we will encounter. I think the hardest part will be losing my hair I am dreading that but I no it is going to happen so have not opted for cold cap. It takes 1-2 hours longer and is not nice to go through. Keep thinking positive thoughts that’s what I’m doing. Good luck with Friday and let me know how it goes xx
Hi I am starting 30 March 4EC & 4 Doceletaxel Very anxious but like most of you just want to start & get it over with!
Hi all, I start chemo tomorrow and admit to feeling more apprehensive about this than I did about having the mastectomy. The side effects sound awful but I keep in mind that hopefully I won’t get all of them. I have decided against the cold cap purely on the grounds that I don’t see any point in putting myself through any more suffering than I have to. Yes I admit to being a wimp especially where being cold is concerned. Also not looking forward to having to inject myself for 5 days either, ( funny thing is I am quite happy to stick needles in others!) It would be good if we could all post regularly as we are all starting around the same time.
Mocot - the March 2017 thread is up and running, you’ll find the other March starters on there.
And no you are not a wimp for feeling like that after your first EC. Most people feel sick for the first few days, it’s only the lucky ones that escape this effect.
If the nausea and sickness are very severe or last a long time, it’s important to tell the hospital before the next treatment, as they may be able to give you some more effective anti-sickness medication next time.
Hi how is everyone getting on ? I had my first FEC LAST TUESDAY with cold cap ? Just over a week in and feeling ok , was really sick ? for the few days afterwards , by Saturday was feeling good , now indigestion has started with everything I eat !
Hi Munchkin, hope all is going well…how was your first cycle? Any side effects? my partner starts on Epirubicin and cyclophosphamide tomorrow for 3 treatments then followed by 3 treatments of Docetaxel, then 1 year of Herceptin and tamoxifen, I have to inject her for 2 weeks also…! she finishes on 14th August so she’s 1 month behind you. She’s decided not to have the cold cap and has already cut most of her hair off. x
Hi Munchkin - sorry for delay in reply but have not been on here for a bit- Have had 2 cycles with my third next Thursday -has not been to bad first 5 days or so feel tired & in my terms generally yucky with a foggy brain which clear by day 7 I am wishing the time away as want it all over with I have not used the cold cap Consultant & nurses don’t think it’s good to do so I got hair cut very short -hair started to thin around day 8-9 after first cycle and by day 14 had very sore painful head with hair coming out a lot! I got it shaved &I the pain all went ! Have been into work for the second week after chemo until the next one Hope it is not to bad for you &a you are managing it all ok ??