Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Hi Pigstrotter,
Welcome to the July Junkies. You seem to have a good team who are checking you 120%. I had an expander and recon in 2008, had the other reduced to match and a nipple tattoo. It looks good and Im very pleased with it, my OPS always takes pics when i have check ups, he is proud of his work. Good luck with your scans and let us know what the onc says on Thursday.
Hi Artemis, June Jewels are a great group I often take a peek. Fab you can go back to work and feel good. Do visit us again, sorry we cant offer you a drink!!
Kat xx

Hi July Junkies I’ve pooped in from the June Jewels cocktail bar! I was originally a May Moonbeam but what with a reaction to the dressing and infected seroma there was a delay in starting chemo. I am now off and running, supported by the other Jewels who help prop up the bar and besides the odd niggling s/e its not been too bad.
Lols I had lymph node involvement, I think we’ve chatted before. I had scans etc before my mx and anc and no spread was found. For me chemo is a belts and braces approach and i’m happy to cover all bases. I’ll have rads and Tamoxifen after. As Piggsytrotter 's friend said atleast you know the nodes were doing their job. Do come on and let your feelings out, it really does help and there’s always someone here knows exactly how you feel and can support you. I’ve been feeling angry the last few days, hence the pic :wink: xx
Goods luck Junkies, feel free to pop in to JJ’s bar anytime xx

July Junkies, great name and very apt. You will become junkies, due to the drugs you will need for SEs .

Lols, I had cancer in one of my lymph nodes. I think the reason most people say ‘glad it’s not in the nodes’ is that is one of the ways it can spread if not dealt with. But then I also had vascular invasion too, so glad I had chemo but even more glad I have finished it. Will have Anastrazole for 5 years, starting any day soon.

You will make great friends on here, and come to depend on each other more than you can ever imagine. I don’t know what I would do without the February Valentines, and still need them even now.

Bless you all, big hugs and good luck.

Poemsgalore xxx

Well, it seems that I may not be a July Junkie after all. Went for appointment today to sign consent forms ready for my start next Tuesday, upon which the Onc told me that he and my BS had decided that ‘they wanted to scrape a bit more off’. Charming! So I’m waiting for the call for my pre-op assessment again, even though I only had one 5 weeks ago, then a slot for a day case. In some ways I feel as though I’ve been handed a ‘get out of jail’ card, especially as family life is going to be chaotic until the end of term, in others I’m disappointed because I had psyched myself up. So I’ve just had a large glass of wine with my tea and I will enjoy this weekend in readiness for what next week brings.
I might just manage to get in at the end of July for chemo, cos I fancy being a Junkie. Perhaps I’ll be allowed in as an honorary member!
Lois: I had affected lymph nodes - full clearance in 2008. It’s ok. Have to be careful with lymphoedema/cellulitis, but manageable.
Welcome Pigsytrotter: The waiting game: Don’t we all hate it! If it’s any help, my lump had been around for ages last time. Long story, but by the time I got around to checking it out it was about 6.5cm. Consultant was very doomy gloomy at the time but there was no spread - and again this time we seem to be dealing with a recurrence - so I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to make this bloody thing all consuming. (I’m one to talk!)
Hello to all our friends from other forums - you are more than welcome to pop in any time!
Just off to see my neighbour’s 80th birthday cake. She been BC clear for years now…

Thank you everyone half bottle red in now, I know I’m not alone just had bit of panic attack. This will prob make us have friends for life, (long life) , thank you again xx

Tamsin you are our founding member so Im afraid your stuck with us xx

Why thank you x

Bumping to let newbies we are up and running x

Orangecat, glad to hear you were happy with the recon after tissue expander. Im going to having similar reduction in the good side too once all the treatment is ove. (due for rads but not sure i’ll take them, but thats a way off yet). Hope the echo and haircut went ok.

Can i just ask is it the “good side” thats needing treatment now?. How was it picked up, im assuming once you have recon then they cant do mammograms on that side…

Oh, I am cold capping 3 days into my first cycle and all ok, though it did feel like my head was in a vice, after 15 mins it was numb so bearable, just heavy.

Anyway i was just having a bimble through before bed, good luck with the journey that is ahead of you Junkies… look forwarad to chewing the fat sometime…:slight_smile:

Thanks for the welcome Tamsin. I hope you all don’t mind a Californian joining in but your site is amazing and the posts are so helpful to a newbie. My TCH chemo stands for Taxotere(Docetaxel) + Carboplatin + Heceptin.

Another June Jewel popping in to say ‘good luck’ to you all. I only just got myself to the bar last thursday - having T-Fec which is the opposite way round to most people. So far, apart from feeling a bit spaced out and tired, I’m doing fine. Lois - I had a second mass in my lymph node - but the chemo is there to get rid of any stray cells and is therefore worth having! Take care all of you Junkies - great name by the way! Hugs all round - Cress xxx

Hi all,
Shorter hairdo and healthy heart, thats me.
Artemis, hubby says to tell you he likes my recon too i picked up my “ridge” on my recon side, thought at first to be recurrence but now they have decided its a new primary, but saying that onc says its “academic” cause some cancers can change their stripes to spots!!!???
Welcome Pironmon and please bring some Californian sunshine with you xx

Hi all, I won’t be joining you this month as I need another wle (10July) but thought I would pop n to say hello. Lois you are not alone I have lymph node involvement and also vascular invasion. Been pretty crap the last few days too. Poor OH has been working away all week and he came home to me in a state. He is a star.
Looks like I will visit the bar in August (towards the end as I am going to Portugal in the middle, not that I have told the hospital yet), how does August angels sound?
Good luck ladies
Sam xx

Hi Sam I have to have another wle too. Not sure when, seeing cons tomorrow, will get all results then. Dreading it. Ivor prob got vascular invasion too, the bc n wouldn’t commit herself over phone on Friday. Just had cry, because and I know it sounds daft but would just like to wake p one morning since 17th may and be like I was, jump out of bed, let dog , out, go into garden let chicks, out., and just feel carefree, well perhaps not that, always had a worry or two but could always sort it. Now no control and its seeing the people you love hurting that is soooo hard, I suppose they have cancer too cos its on their mind all the time and they want to help but can’t.
hopefully il have chemo August can’t see July happening now, like the name. I can’t see ant reason for them to say no to holiday, personally I’ve not found them to be in any rush to do anything, no matter how anxious you are. I know I need scans so asked how soon, they said not sure very busy!!! Asked when repeat wle, again not sure very busy. So they must feel they have the time or ethically they couldn’t leave things. Anyway I know after surgery they would want wound to be healing well before chemo starts, bc ant think of nicer place for wound healing than Portugal, I had best holiday ever there few years ago.
not that I’d wish this crap,miserable disease on my worst enemy(hope I haven’t got any), it does help to know others are in same boat with same emotions and that I’m not being a complete baby, I’m scared but hopeful at same time. What can we do but hold on for the ride!!! Have you tried a maggies centre. I went last tue dad got prostrate cancer so we had family trip, was pleasantly surprised, thought it would all be doom and gloom but not so, staff lovely. Good for all family, Oh walked in as if he had been there all his life chatted to a girl who worked there and hyphen he made everyone a coffee, he felt as though he could go on his own ihe needed to, so that’s a positive.
my Oh been a star too, bless them . Stay in touch your not alone x

Just read my reply back. I know it looks like I can’t spell but I’m not up on computer things and have just got iPad. Not always sure how to correct things at mo and YS on hols at mo (18 to 30)!!!, another bloody worry, or I’d get him to show me, so sorry if it all sounds bit mental, I’m a bit that way at mo but its iPtools well! My excuse anyway, lol xx

Lois it is good to know you are not alone. Family and friends certainly suffer with you. I had my CT and bone scan on Friday that why I went on such a downer as I am terrified it will have spread. Much better today after a good nights sleep albeit wine induced!!
Locally we have a charity called Crazy Hats for breast cancer, that was started up by a local lady several years ago. They raise money for the two two local hospitals where I am being treated. Every Thursday they have a coffee morning, I went to the first one on my own but soon became one of the gang. I actually went to see if it would be something my mum would like as she was diagnosed in March and is retired. Thought she could go when I went back to work in Sept(I wish that was going to happen now) but I really enjoy it and mum does too.

Take care and enjoy the sun today if you have it where you are.

Sam xx

Hi everyone. Had my mastectomy 21 May and start FEC chemo tomoorrow 1st July at QA Portsmouth. I have PICC line put in which should make the process easier on the day. It is worth buying a Limbo for when taking a shower. It is great for keeping the PICC dressing dry. I am also HER2+ so will follow up with Herceptin for a year after the chemo. I have been following the posts for a few weeks and now it is my turn to start the treatment. Bit scared but the big C has to be faced up to or it willl beat me and I won’t let that happen. Lots of love to everyone out there Carole xxx

I am going for my oncology appointment to morrow so I am expecting to be in the july ‘intake’ for chemotherapy. I had a lumpectomy four weeks ago: results were 1.5 cm, triple negative, notin lymph nodes. Vlow about the triple negative.

here is a link to a thread specially for triple neg ladies.
thought you might like to read some of the posts in there, & maybe ask a few questions.

Hello ladies and welcome to the site I’m a may moonbeam and just want to wish you all well on this journey.
I had radical MX 25th March and I am having my last chemo this week only had to have 4 EC then rads then tamoxifen fr five years,
It may seem like your world is at an end but it isn’t you will get through this I have and I’m determined to kick its arse…
Keep your chin up ladies some days you will feel like crap but just take each day as it comes :slight_smile: