Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

I thought I was going to have the privilege of becoming a June Jewel, but it seems not. July 1 here I come. Anyone care to join me? And anyone else having CMF? Tamsin

Hi Tamsin,
Here I come, I start my journey on the 3rd, having FEC-T with Herceptin.
Kat x

Good luck ladies, have you chosen a name yet? July Jasmines or July Junipers? sound okay- ish. Maybe that will give you a few new ideas.

I’m a February Valentine by the way.

Hi not sure yet but hoprfully startling in July. Had drain out this morn been complaining for couple of days about very bad pain, went to hospital this am Bc n fit me in took it out and about a pint of blood and fluid followed it apparently had moved and wasnt doin job, could have told them that,. Also bad reaction to all and every dressing blisters and rash, never mind. Got appt Monday for results and treatment plan if don’t need another wle then hopefully chemo next. Roll on and then we can roll off this rolls coaster, never felt so stressed. Told by bc n to not worry wait till Monday RITE il do that , not!!!, wish I could, xx please keep in touch having a down day , take care xx

Just wanted to wish the July ladies luck, I’m a June Jewel. Please feel free to drop by if you have any questions. The forums are such a help and I don’t think I could have got by without the Jewels and all the other ladies.
It’s a bumpy road but its do able so all the best and stay strong x

Good luck all you ladies starting chemo in July. I’m a May Moonbeam - a late one so almost a June Jewell, really enjoying the peer support. Good luck with your treatment from one of your “Aunties” from another thread!

Cheers girls been following your threads, scared for Monday, know it’s in lymph from biop and all I ever read is soooo glad lymph clear!!!. You’ve all kept me going though keep it up , thanks and stay well hope minimal se s for you all xxx

Hi Kat and Lois! Nice to hear from you. Must confess I’ve been keeping an eye on your posts, Orangecat, because you’re a ‘second timer’ like me! Oh the joys, eh? I thought your suggestion of July Junkies was really good. Depends whether we want to be flowery ladies or have a little attitude. I’m for the attitude personally. What do others think? Tamsin x

Attitude fine with me x

I start on TCH on July 10th…

Welcome Pironm. So far 3 definites and 3 different chemos. Makes a change from everyone having FEC-T - not that I’m dissing that, Orangecat, it’s all good! Lois, as I’m sure you’ve read elsewhere, the waiting is the worst bit. Once you know the whole story things seem more manageable. Although I wonder if you do ever know the whole story - I finished my meeting with the onc with more questions than answers. We can think of each other on Monday - I’m spending the day having a PICC line fitted which I’m sure will be fine, but I’d rather it wasn’t happening. When is your appointment? So, one step at a time, I reckon Tamsin x

Hello Ladies, looks like the “July Junkies” are up and running.
I have my Echo tomorrow and then my appt at the hairdressers. Must admit I have hummed and hawed about keeping it but what the heck lets at least let it look good for 5 mins. Im planning on giving the cold cap a go, anyone else? How are you all? Im feeling suprisingly good which I put down to stopping the Tamoxifen after 4yrs and 9 months
Tamsin have fun having your PICC line fitting, will be thinking of you.
Pironm I will have to look up TCH.
Lois I remember it well those pesky drains. I had my mastectomy in 2008 just had a lumpectomy this time and no drains, phew!! my skin hates the plasters too. Hopefully you should sleep well tonight sans drain.
Kat xx

Just popping in from the February Valentines to wish all you July Junkies the best of luck.
(Im a Feb Valentine by default as I ended up delayed and didn’t start till April!)

Pironm - I’m also on TCH. I’m currently towards the end of my fourth cycle of 6 then 12 more Herceptins. I have a portacath fitted and wouldn’t be without it.

Hugs to you all xxx

Good luck with the Echo Kat. That’s the heart check for Herceptin, isn’t it? We seem to be spookily similar in history: I was also DX in 2008 and also had mx and the lovely drains etc! Like you it’s been a lumpectomy this time. They think mine is a recurrence although they can’t be sure as I had chemo up front last time so only have the original biopsy to cross analyse. The cold cap is well worth trying. I persevered with it last time and kept my hair - first 15 minutes are the worst! Seems that hair loss isn’t one of the top se for the chemo I’m going to have, so I’ve got my fingers crossed I’ll get away with it.
I’m feeling pretty up and down about the whole business: I was just about 5 years since my first diagnosis when this one came along and I was finally beginning to feel that my life really was back on an even keel but now we’re back on the roller coaster that is the cancer journey. Today has been a bit funny cos I’ve spent this week doing nice things before the appointments start tomorrow - and I’m a bit sad that I’ve run out of nice things for the moment. Have to stock pile some more for when things are going ok in the coming months. The great thing about this forum is that we can talk with others who understand and we can give and receive support. Enough eulogising…
Time for bed. Night all
Tamsin x

Hi just read through all replies from last night. Hope everyone has a good day. I feel so different with drain out even slept a bit. Waiting for bc nurse to phone with appt time for Monday . Just gonna do all these exercises now, off work and feel lazy really. Hope I get news for chemo July like you have just want to get on with it. I’m gonna try c cap gots loads of thick curly hair so might not work, it’s the thing I’m dreading most of all losing hair, it’s my nightmare but it has to be done I suppose. Keep in touch xx

Hi, I’d like to join the July Junkies - what a great name. Short history, I’m 63, thought it was a cyst (they’ve been coming and going for 15 years) so ignored it. Every time I’ve been to dr before it’s been a cyst, and last time I had one aspirated (10 years ago) the consultant said that he could continue aspirating them but they’d just keep coming back. Which they did. This lump didn’t feel any different to the cysts. Went to Dr beginning of year because thought there was something going on in armpit. She couldn’t find anything. Forgot to mention lump, and thought I’d go back in a couple of weeks. Didn’t want to be thought of as a nuidance / drama queen, which is unlike me as I can be both! Coincidentally got standard 3 year-letter for mammogram in Feb so decided to wait for that. But mammogram didn’t pick it up although told them I had a lump. Finally went to Dr mid-March cos i thought it had got bigger, she referred me to hosp. That’s when I stepped on the roller coaster. Had mri scan which was vile, but confirmed it was only in left breast. Had skin conserving MX and ax clearance on 12 June and tissue expander inserted ready for recons. 8 out 15 nodes affected. Bone and CT scans Mon / Tues next week and meeting with onc on Thursday. I’m terrified it’s spread as I’ve obviously had it for a while. Oh it’s grade 2, ER+ HER2-. A nursey friend of mine has tried to reassure me that that many lymph nodes affected means they were doing job and to think of it as 7 weren’t affected. But it’s hard not to think the worst. So chemo and rads are definitely in my future. Not sure that I’ll be of any use to anyone else, or even a regular poster, but it’s been comforting to lurk on the site. There are some very giving, brave ladies here.
Edited to say I’ll also be on Tamoxifen for 5 years.

Hi piggy I’m a June jewel but just to say you’ve come to the right place. Hope you’re getting on ok with recovery from the mx. I also had a tissue expander after skin saving but there doesn’t seem a lot of us around though so feel free to contact me tho I’m only a month ahead of you. I had 5out of 12 node’s affected so again 7 clear, also bone and ct scan but all clear. I started chemo Wed and so far feel good even back to work today. Just wanted to let you know it’s not the best journey to go on but you will find so much support on here.

It will be okay and I’m sure the July girls will be a great group to be with.

Hi just got off phone to bc n I’m sure she didn’t want to tell me but I asked if results were back. Had wle and ANC 18th June. 4 out of 25 lymph involved. I said is that bad, she said could be better, could be worse! Dunno what to think now! Also got to go bk for extra bit of wle as some odd cells got all of tumour but some duct stuff still there. but can’t be done for week or too as they are busy! Looks like chemo a bit away now. Got to have ct scan , again that might be awhile they are very busy, obviously being a staff nurse has no perks, . Anyway convinced myself that’s it, it’s everywhere what’s the point!!! Would like to talk to people who have lymph involvement as on profiles all I seem to see is no lymph involvement thank goodness. Omg can’t cope today sorry I know I’m not only one with this, admire you all, brave , brave brave girls (and boys) if your reading. Head in she’d at mo, crying , Bc nurse said try not to worry!!! X

Hi just got off phone to bc n I’m sure she didn’t want to tell me but I asked if results were back. Had wle and ANC 18th June. 4 out of 25 lymph involved. I said is that bad, she said could be better, could be worse! Dunno what to think now! Also got to go bk for extra bit of wle as some odd cells got all of tumour but some duct stuff still there. but can’t be done for week or too as they are busy! Looks like chemo a bit away now. Got to have ct scan , again that might be awhile they are very busy, obviously being a staff nurse has no perks, . Anyway convinced myself that’s it, it’s everywhere what’s the point!!! Would like to talk to people who have lymph involvement as on profiles all I seem to see is no lymph involvement thank goodness. Omg can’t cope today sorry I know I’m not only one with this, admire you all, brave , brave brave girls (and boys) if your reading. Head in she’d at mo, crying , Bc nurse said try not to worry!!! X

Sorry posted twice and meant to put head in shed