Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Back at hosp fri to sort out rads so will have a good weekend to make up for it all!!! Xx

Hi All
you all do seem to be going through the wars. Is it this miserable weather. I don’t even know what a port thing is. I have had no tests or monitoring other than the ct scan to look for other cancers, the pre op checks and the pre dunk bloods.

I have just done the supermarket with streaming eyes and nose. Does anone else have problems focusing?

I have got 2 school friends coming for a visit tomorrow. One I have only meet once in the last 46 years. It should be an interesting few days. I had just bought a load of meat when she let me know she was veggie. As I tire so quickly I am going to start cooking tonight. I am trying out a Jamie Oliver recipe from last week.

I have completely lost track of everyones complication. Really sorry I just don’t seem as sharp as I used to be.
Whiskers are you up Monday? Will it be T3
Bumblebee and Masha are you both stilll up on Thursday
I get my blood test Monday and T3 Tuesday. Last one but still not any easier to face.

Managed to get an appointment with my surgeon for last year’s pedicle tram to see about getting my tummy bulge seroma drained as soon as radiotherapy ends.

I have had no word about radiotherapy yet has anyone heard?

Hugs to everyone. Good luck with all tests and appointments anyone still to be dunked this week.

Nette x

Hi Girls, 


Just a note to say today’s appointment went ok. Good news is that latest ultrasound showed some shrinkage but not much. Prof said is not the right thing to stop chemo midway. Because of my concerns about surgery he agreed for me to see the surgeon within next couple of weeks to discuss surgery and for them to say their views on how this cancer is responding. Also to decide if they want coils put in before last cycle. He also said he is certain that the chemo is killing the cancer cells which we have no way of knowing they are there. He is usually very good to calm me down and reassure me, is only when i see one of his team member i get all worried. Anyway, two more cycles and that is it. Blood was ok, so T#3 is tomorrow as planned. 


Hope everyone reasonably OK!


Good luck to anyone having treatment, blood, and anything else they put us through this week.


I shall love you and leave you for now.


Take care

Mahsa xxx

Hi Masha, sounds pisitive. Good luck tomorrow with T#3 are you on less than a 21 day gap?
Good that bloods ok I hate the delays.
Big Hug for tomorrow.
Nette x

Gosh Mahsa, I would be on my knees at 2 week intervals. I was cleaning the bedrooms just pottering for about an hour and a half and was so tired a spilt the bucket of water. OH was lucky I didn’t burst into tears. I just sat all afternoon with absolutely no get up and go.

Bumblebee you sound just like me. I haven’t been to the optician cos I can’t afford new glasses I am praying it is temporary and the eyes will improve when we are done. Have you tried tea tree for your ear. I find it very effective for ears and nose.

My wonderful friend has said she will come round tomorrow morning and help me prepare the food for the next two days while my visitors are here. I have decided what to cook but when how and which order and can I pre cook. Just seemed to much to work out. Madness.

All the very best for tomorrow Masha xoxo

Nette x

A new ironing board cover Tamsin my love you are so rock n roll!!!


Good luck Mahsa and T hope your bloods good to go for tomorrow xxxxx


Love to all and Piggsy as you will be having your 5th tomorrow xxx

Hi all, hope your all coping well I have quite a bit of reading to catch up on as I have been awol for a few weeks. After my fiasco of my 2nd T and the nasty reaction I went a bit miserable and threw myself back into work.  Feeling a bit more brighter now I know whats happening now though. Have had no chemo for 6 weeks now whilst they were deciding what to do with me so have had 3 weeks of limbo since it happened. Due to the reaction happening pretty much as soon as it started I still have 2 to go which now means I will be having radiotherapy over Christmas which sucks. They have decided to give me abraxine, think thats how you spell it as my doctors handwriting is shocking. I don’t know too much about this drug just that it’s too expensive, my doctor was so busy (hour late going in to my appointment) she didn’t seem to have much time to explain exactly what it is just that it costs alot of money.


Anyway enough of my moaning and I shall get reading. Good luck to all up this week, nearly there :smiley: x

whiskers is your new drug a chemo drug or hormonal or instead of herceptin???

cheers will have a look

Hi Whisker, I think that maybe what they had to import using the cancer fund from America last year for my friend who went into anaphylactic shock on her first dose of T.
It is now given routinely for anyone with severe problems.
She had no problems with it and completed her cause. B*##*+ about the delay. It would be so nice to be done and dusted by Christmas.

Locally they go right over Christmas with radiotherapy just missing the 2 days.

I will figurativly hold hands as we are dunked on Tuesday. So long as my bloods are ok on Monday. I am much more tirednthis time than last.

Nice to have it sorted and knw where younare going.

All the best Nette

Yes last T next Tuesda. 22nd. I start to get nervous about now thinking of the SE. Just wish in didn’t get thrush as well as metal mouth.

4 more weeks and maybe I can have some bread and a drink.

They shoukd dget your drug that is what the cancer drugs fund is for.

Nette x

How you manage these long posts piggsytrotter I’ll never know!!! You’re bloody amazing!!! Xx xx

Evening All! Hope you are well, and most of you suffering have overcome the **bleep**ty SE’s. I have had a bit of a virus with hacking cough courtesy of William! Don’t want him to miss pre-school but hope there aren’t too many more nasties going to come home with him. Thanks so much nette for ulcer advice they have pretty much gone now. Joint pain controlled with codiene. Eyelashes have disappeared now - joy! Which wasn’t too great when I did a ‘Look good, Feel Better’ workshop at hospital…it was lovely, two hrs of pampering and a wonderful bag of goodies to take home at the end! Look out for it ladies.

Rash seemed to go although my eyes have been soooo dry and itchy.

So clinic and bloods today…going to tweak the tax down a little to try and stop some of the SE’s esp.the spaced out feeling. Also introducing an anti-histamine to help rash and eyes.  

Kids are doing great and i’m loving this, my, ‘normal’ week with them…

Can’t remember if i told you all but my sister hosted a macmillan coffee morning at a local nursery and got great support esp from businesses adn the total raised was £860.00! So proud of her!

Mahsa…will keep in touch and let you know when in SW15 district x

Anyway lovelies number 5 tomorrow so fingers crossed for days following and lots of love to you all.

Hugs nicola xxxx

Good luck tomorrow piggsy, one more down, although I never feel it is over until the SE subside.
Biggley I have carbomer liquid gel eye drops from my GP for dry eyes. Mind you with tax they just tear all the time I have bought Sainsbury out of tissues what with the streaming eyes and dripping nose. Buff on my head at night. I am amazingly glamorous, my OH just doesn’t know how lucky he is bless him. I think he needs New specs.

Good luck and hugs for everyone in tomorrow. Then a lovely weekend hoping for some sun shine.
Nette x

T#3 - Day 2


Piggsy and Nicola, thinking of you today. Hope all goes well with your treatment. Xxx


Piggsy, thanks for surgery tips. Will ask more question once they discuss my options.


Tamsin, buying households stuff make me happy too! Hope blood was ok!


Nette, I actually don’t mind fortnightly chemo, it makes the time pass quicker. I really want all this over soon.


Well, had T#3 yesterday.  No major problem during treatment, I just have restless feet and they are a bit heavier than normal. The 48 hrs pain marathon should start tomorrow! Gloomy weather is not helping with the mood though. Between now and next cycle in 2 weeks, I have several appointments,  surgeons,  ultrasound for the markers put in, and mammograms (not sure why). As always will be rushed due to lack of communications amongst themselves and appointments. 


Wishing everyone a relaxing and SE free weekend.


Mahsa xxx

HI all junkies

not much to report been out enjoying the weekend.  Start my first herceptin tomorrow so will be a long day.  tamsin are you up tomorrow too???


Good luck to all hoping Piggsy ok after tax 2!


Come on Junkies we are so near the end now!!

Evening everybody :slight_smile: feeling achey and strange today however I think it could be a mixture of being fed up that this weeks chemo should of been my last and fear of the new drug (Abraxane) I am due to have pumped into me Tuesday. fingers crossed I get on well with this one. Can’t seem to track anybody else down who has been on this drug but from what I have read it is not to be feared as much as Docataxal.  I had only a teeny amount of it before my reaction but did feel like I had had a full dose and it did take me this extra time to recover. I am starting also think this was more in my head as my heart rate hasn’t been the same since :frowning:


Anyway whinging over :smiley: wishing luck to everyone else up this week and teeny SE’s wishes to everyone else :smiley:


Kat let me know if you have any luck with requesting the Abraxane.  Will keep you posted on how I go on it. I didn’t know of the drug and it was my onc who suggested it.

Tamsin & Chezz good luck for tomorrow.  Will be thinking of you… xx


Kat, hope you feeling better! 


Piggsy,  how are you? Hope you are having a minimal SEs.


Julie, good to hear you are moving forward with your treatments, slowly but surely…


BOF, Nette, Lynda, Deb, Whiskers,  Biggley, Bumblebee, hope you lovelies doing ok!


I am quite fed up today, I feel like to scream. My legs are killing me from Tax, and still have at least one more day of this physical pain. I don’t think the mental pain will go away ever! I shall try to be positive in my next post.



Mahsa xx

Whiskers thank goodness I thought it was me!? Feel like I have had an electric shock, every ounce of my body aches and jangles and after just a smidge of it. So need to get head round this is going to take some time. Have a list of questions for onc on her return from hols.
Mahsa poor you def hot water bottles and what ever works for you. I might just join you in a scream.
Tamsin big hug for your new venture tomorrow.
Chez yay Herceptin, I love to look at the H ladies sitting plugged in showing off their thick hair.They swan in and out so quickly and some even cycle to the hospital. Serious envy.
Love to all the JJ’s out there xx

Hi JJs one and all,
T#2 day 20
Piggsy and Biggley hope all went well last Friday.
Tamsin I love my new ironing board OH fines it so easy to use. It is really wide so makes ironing very easy for him.
Masha the side effects for T seem to be much more cumulative than than FEC you will be fine once the T stops. Hang in there.
Kat keeping going I am sure they will sort ypu soon.
Julie I will be having rads at Castle Hill but have not heard from them yet. ONC said it should start in 4 weeks so we should cross I will keep you posted as soon as I get dates.
Benidictus biggest hug for tomorrow.
Chezz big hug for you tomorrow with the start of herceptin
Whiskers big hug for Tuesday I am sure you will be fine on the New drug. I am pretty sure it is the one my friend had last year she was fine. They give it routinly to anyone with problems here.

Will I had two school friends visiting one Thursday to Saturday they came up from London and Essex. It was lovely we went to Whitby on Friday and visited the Lucky Duck shop. Got my first Christams presents for the g’children.
They left Saturday morning and I deflated like a popped ballon. Theovercast skys didn’t help.
Today the sun shone and l decided to try a walk. Be for T#2 I manages over 5 miles today I was wobbly after 1.2 miles I just have not recovered for T#2 nearly as well as any of the other cycles.
Eyes streaming, runny nose, popping ears, weak, tired, no taste, metal mouth, much more generally down. Bounce up with visitors then need a sleep. Not sure how I will far with T#3 starting from such a low point. Well we will find out this week.
Bloods tomorrow so finger crossed there are no delays. Dunking T#3 Tuesday then get over SE and I will feel like I am one the home straight.
Got an appointment withlast year’spedicle tram reconstruction surgeon on week 3 so one thing more moving at last.
Just waiting to get rads appointment now. Flu jab Wednesday.
Big hugs to evry one going down or with appointments next week
Nette x