Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Hi Julie and Bummblebee
Sorry to hear about your cousin. If it is any consultation I have 3 sisters 1 had bile cancer, other had bc, other one is ok. My mum had leukemia. But we don’t have the genic gene so are called a cluster family but all the daughters can be mammogramed from 40 and are offered counselling. I was also reading about a new gel form of Tamoxifen that is rubbed onto the breast and has much fewer if any side effects. Both my daughters at 40 and 42 have been offered elective surgery and or tamoxifen so the gel may be a good option for them. My sisters both got cancer in their early 50s and I was 60 so they are taking some thinking time. I would definitely go for the genetics test so far I have had 3 intwrviews and am on a study. Fingers x your cousin is ok and the rest of your family stay clear. It is a bit of a lottery.
Wonderful news about Iam. Shame you are not getting any help. Do take care of yourself.
I think a visit to Scarborough would be lovely and we have 2 spare double rooms so you could all come for the weekend.
I am fine post op and very pleased with my new breast size. My fingers x that there is no fluid lurking round my tummy button but if there is it is a lot less obvious than the bulge I had under my ribs. So all in all a good result.
I am actually wondering if I need a haircut round the back. Do you know I am quite nervous of visiting the hairdresser. It is well over a year now since I have my grade 2 shave.
The breast nurse has offer me a stick on boob has any one had any experience with them?
Thinking of you

Well everyone, 3 years post reconstruction surgery I have been pronounced as good as new and discharged by my plastic surgeon.
It has still cost me nearly £37.00 to notify my travel ins, stay sure, that I have had successful corrective surgery that has got me to this point. Ha ho what is money. Without treatment I couldn’t have taken it with me. So to celebrate we are going to Menorca for 14 days. Someone to cook meals, sea, sand and walking.
I am feeling uforic, amazing, I think it will take a bit to sink in.
I am sorry that some of you are still struggling and my thoughts are with you but today I just want to jump up and down.
Love to all