Anyone Starting Chemo Next Week ????

Hi Van,
Havent got all the answers (im sure others will beable to offer advice for those) but generally speaking hair tends to start falling out on day 18 (ish) after your first chemo. As for still working when you work with children - I know my Onc wouldnt advice it (he says he tells nurses and teachers not to work), but you will have to see what your Onc says.

Good Luck for your results, take things one step at at a time and try not to look too far ahead, as it can be a bit overwheming at times - and you especially seem to have more than anyone to deal with at the moment. Dont be afraid to ask for help - either from friends or family, or professionally. Your BCN should be able to direct you.

K x

Hi Vans
Sorry that you have had to join the club that noone wants to belong to. I am a nurse and have been signed of work for the whole of the treatment, however i am being signed of in 2 month chunks just so my GP can see me and make sure that everything is going ok. I have a 5 year old and 2 year old and have told the 5 year olds school so nthat they can keep an eye out for changes in behaviour good or bad and offer him support, aslo nursery for the 2 year old as they have been supportive in letting me change my days on chemo week.I have told the 5 yo in terms that he would understnd although i got a publication which is a story called muumy got a lump and we have sat down and read it together you can get it either via your bcn or from this website. As for telling collegues you will probably have a few that are your closest tell them if you want and that may act as a buffer for those who will ask the silly questions.
I am on day 12 and my hair is starting to come out in a few strands at a time


Hi Vans,

I work with children too and was advised not to work due to the increased chance of infection - it does depend on age of children too, i work with junior school age. Saying that i went into school a couple of weeks ago to hand my sick note in and i was meet with a barrage of children asking questions and one run up and hugged me tight ( i had a mx and diep recon in dec) I was in agony as the child headbutted my new boob and squished my tummy - I felt very vunerable which was a first. I am on day 15 since first chemo and i had a cold cap and so far no hair loss from head, down below is getting sparse, but hey ho wont need to do the bikini line for a while. Hope everything goes ok and good luck for your results.
Love Lix xx

Hi Vans
Good luck with your results today I hope you get your questions answered. x

Hi all,
quite new to the site. I am due first chemo on 22/3 and dreading it. I went to hosp yesterday to choose my wig - reality set in and i struggled to hold back the tears as i was shown a perfectly nice wig, but looked to me like a mop head - i simply dont want this to happen. Could i also ask others to help me understand something. I have had a rough time since finding lump (i know everyone has) but what i want to know is am i having bad luck or bad treatment. i’ll explain. my biopsy went wrong as doctor hit a blood vessel. blood squirted everywhere and he was only able to take 2 samples of lump. nurses squeezed breast to put pressure on bleed and this resulted in a bruise the size of a football pitch for 2 weeks - very painful. I was then told i needed a further biopsy cos not enough samples were taken. the second was much better but the doctor did comment that he had never seen bruising like it. I went in for my lumpectomy which seemed straightforward. BCN saw wound on day 7 and said it was fine and on day 9 i had staples removed. By that night i was poorly with what i thought was flu, sweats, headaches, shivers and violently vomiting. the next day i was due to have my results so forced myself along to the hospital. Doctor looked at me and said i looked rough. I told him i had flu. I also asked about lump forming on side of breast. He did not look at breast but told me it was prob scar tissue. By that night (with good result received) i was happier but in pain. lump on breast getting larger and flu getting worse. By following day i realised i was smelling and looked at dressing on wound. It was yellow. I went to A&E and was admitted with very serious abcess. I was in for 4 days and had to have surgery again to clear out infection - turns out it wasnt flue. I then came home and had to have open wound packed daily by district nurse (painful) and finally went back in for another surgery to have wound stitched up agian last week. I cam home with drain attached and am due to have stitches out tomorrow. Has anyone else had infections? is it common ?
I know they get you to sign for it but i have had an awful month and hoped for a break between surgery and chemo to get myself well. Now that wont happen and I will have only 1 week before chemo starts.
I know lots of people have bad results so i dont want to sound like my problems are worse than others, but I just find myself thinking that maybe i have not received the best treatment. Thoughts please.

Hi four dogs

I can’t help with the infections questions as i haven’t had surgery yet but have started chemo.

So sorry you have had a pretty rough time and i hope things get alittle easier for you now.

You will get loads of support on here.

Wishing you all the best

Jayne xxx

Hi Four dogs

Crikey you have had a bad time! Hopefully now the infection has been cleared out the wound might heal quicker. The staff where I go for treatment are always so helpful and try and make life as easy for me as possible. If you don’t feel up to starting chemo on 22nd, maybe you could speak to your oncologist and get it deferred for another week?.

Sue xx

So sorry to hear you have had a rough time of things, you poor thing.
I don’t have any words of wisdom to offer regarding the infection etc, but maybe you could see about delaying chemo for a couple of weeks, just to let everything settle and heal up. Also to give you some time to recover mentally from the operation.

Wishing you all the best…you will get loads of support from the lovely people on this site…

Naz x

thanks for all the kind words.
Getting back to the chemo, obviously i have my concerns also. Ironically i also work with children as I own a chain of day nurseries. I hadnt thought about the possible infection risks whilst undergoing treatment.How stupid of me. you would think that they would have alerted me to this especially as my job description is noted on my records. Anyway, I wont be able to take time off for 6 months or my business would go bust, but at least i dont have to have physical contact with the children as i do mostly admin work. But i will mention it to the oncologist when i start, after all this is far more important. Thanks for alerting me to this and good luck to anyone else who is about to undergo treatment.Good Luck Van.
Debbie x