I know this is terribly subjective, but I need to make a choice between Basingstoke and Frimley Park for my care… I am currently assigned to Bas, but live closer to FHP
My consultant says he can refer me to Frimley, but I was wondering what folks recent experiences are of both?
I don’t want to flip hospitals if Basingstoke is fabulous (my mum died at FHP last Autumn (not cancer), and it was not a great experience) but I have no experience of the breast/ cancer care unit, it may be amazing.
Obviously be careful what you write, don’t want legal issues or post will be removed, all I really want is to know if you would recommend either having had treatment there.
I’ll stick with the extra journey time if Bas gets rave reviews.
(How hard is the journey home after chemo? Bas adds about 20/30 mins to my journey)
Also be interesting to know if the oncologist was a fan of CAM (Complimentary/Alternative Medicines… I want Mistletoe extract!)
Sorry, I am not being treated at either of those hospitals, but the hospital I am being treated at has one of the worst reputations in my area. Yet, the care and treatment I receive there for cancer has been the best you could possibly have. It has been very good. Only reason I went to this hospital in the beginning, was because I was almost positive it wasn’t cancer, just needed that confirmed.
It does depend on the department. I am so sorry you lost your mum in Frimley park. It is very difficult when making a choice.
They may have a comments board on their website which you could check out before making any decision.
I have relatives who have been in Basingstoke and have had un-flattering things to say about it. Although not cancer.
I’m sticking with Basingstoke… going to be a pain chemo wise as I’m having 4 x EC three weekly, then 12 x Taxol every week… bit more gentle but more visits and more travel.
Swings and roundabouts eh?
I would have been happy at Frimley I think, it’s Breast Cancer treatment has a good name, but I like my consultant at Basingstoke, and met oncologist yesterday and looks like we will get on, so feels good.
I think experiences vary and are subjective, was just dithering over them both I think.
I am finding the less choices I am given, the less stressful this is. I have OCD so have to investigate everything to the nth degree before I can make a decision! (Picking holidays is a flipping nightmare! Tripadvisor is the worst invention ever for people with OCD!)
Hope your experience continues to be good. It is amazing how people treat you when they know you have BC. It does help soften an incredibly stressful experience.
I know this is an old thread, but just wondering how you got on with the oncologist at Basingstoke and complementary treatments as I’m very interested in these too. Thanks