Anyone understand mri details ?

Hi all I’ve been today for follow up mri on head and spine ( put my funny experience on anxiety thread ) and got home to receive the letter from the neurosurgeon I saw last week presumably for gp . I had an mri of lumber spine a few weeks ago and gp said all ok but put forward to neurosurgeon for neck and head pain he told me he’d seen something on the scan they told me clear but tht was probably benign but would get radiologist to have a look when doing head n spine mri. This is what it reads
Small probably benign nodule at L5/S1 which is high signal intensity on T2
He asked for with n without contrast but they were unable to canulate today
I am very confused but totally focused on whatever is found or not but would like any help in understanding this Thanks. Rozita xx

Hi Rozita, just seen this and tried to make sense of it. L stands for Lumbar area so the fifth vertebra is L5. T2 is the second thoracic vertebra I would think?. The problem is you need a medical person to translate this properly. Not sure if the helpline on this site is open on a Sunday but if it is call the nurse . If not try the Macmillan one. I am sure your GP would talk you through it even over the phone .
Obviously you are anxious but guessing is not a good thing and whilst we can try and guess what it means it is best to talk to someone who knows.
I have not read your other thread to get full story of you situation and what has been going on but try not get too worried . Take care of yourself, Katy.

Thank you for your help that makes sense . I will maybe talk to gp next week or wait till new results thru n ask then. I’m just impatient haha xx rozita