Anyone with ovarian cysts & fibroids?

Was wondering whether any of you can help me please?
I was dx 10 months ago, have had mastectomy and reconstruction and have been on Tamoxifen for 9 months
Following irregular and heavy bleeding since beginning Tamoxifen I was referred to a Gynaecologist. My womb was enlarged but biopsy of uterus was all clear. Had a scan yesterday and was told I have several large fibroids and 3 cysts on my right ovary. Now playing the waiting game for an appointment with gynae and presumably further tests!
Internet searches have suggested that you are more likely to develop ovarian cancer if you’ve had BC.
Am obviously really worried but trying to remember that this might have occured anyway without BC and might not be related.
Just wondered if anyone else has had ovarian cysts and fibroids since dx?

Many thanks

Hi Gill
I have an appointment with a gynae tommorrow after being referred to him by my breast nurse after mentioning bleeding whilst on zoladex.
Looking back since March time i suffered heavier periods and my stomach swells ,along with afew other symptons that come and go. I didnt twig really as im warfarin for blood clots since Easter and it seemed everything started to go down hill from then. Looking up side effects for warfarin everything fitted.
I have had scans and it showed a cyst and a mass.
However this passed 2 weeks or so my symptons are easing apart from leg pain which comes and goes.
I am on zoladex and think ive had fibroids which the zoladex has shrunk (thinking positive) as my symptons have eased. Still need to be sure. Was going to have ovaries removed anyway so maybe sooner rather than later.

Hi jackdp
Thanks for response. It’s horrid all this in addition to having BC. Trouble is we can’t afford to ignore evn the slightest symptoms. Hope you managed to get your problems sorted out.
Not sure whether Tamoxifen (or Zoladex) can cause cysts??
Does anyone know how they find out if cysts are cancerous? ie biopsy?

Many thanks


Hope you get sorted! I think cysts can be removed and tested but not totally sure to be honest. I can be related as Im off to have mine out soon but again it could be totally unrelated as heard lots of people that just have cysts and they arent cancerous so good luck

I had the same. Doctors tell me it was a side of the tamoxifen. Had endemetrious and heavy bleeding, several ovarian cysts, one of them burst causing great pain. Had both ovaries removed and am off the tamoxifen and feel great. After removal they check the ovaries & found nothing alarming. Hope yours went well.