I was diagnosed almost 2 weeks ago and had to have more biopsy’s… I will get the results on Wednesday…because of Easter it has taken longer. It has felt like forever…
Anyway I am 31 and have 3 young girls (7,3,1.5) my stepdaughter is also 14. is anyone in the same position.i feel sick whenever I think about telling anyone especially them. My mam, dad and husband know. I know I will have to tell people as I will need help with the kids. I just don’t think it has hit me properly yet!
Hi, I’m sorry you’ve had to join us but a warm welcome, there are a few ladies around your age with and without young children on the forum at the minute, you can search in the box on the top right hand corner for other threads involving younger ladies , I’m an oldie at 47 with grown up children but we all try and help and support each other, we have a very active thread called just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand where you will find lots of help and advice from all ages and situations, all the very best for your results on weds Xx Jo
Hi there,
You may want to seek out the Young Breast Cancer Network too, i have met some vibrant ladies from that group who have given each other great support and advice dealing with this diagosis. I was 50 when diagnosed -so too old for that group ,
Hi kezjoh, I was diagnosed in February I’m 27 and I’ve got a son who is 4 next month and my daughter will be 9 months on the 14th. I’m still trying to come up with a creative way of telling my son what’s going on but for now he thinks I’m just a bit unwell and keeps asking if I’m feeling better yet. Good luck on Wednesday, I’m back in on Friday for results of surgery x
There is a book "Mummy’s lump " designed to help you talk to young children about breast cancer.Think it is produced by Breast cancer care and I think you can download it for free.
Thanks jill
Good luck with your results .
Hi, at 48 i am an oldy to! my kids are 10. The publication mentioned is really useful and although they knew I had a sore booby we didn’t tell them much until we had a treatment plan. I have found that being honest in an age appropriate way has worked well and that the questions tend to come out of the blue at random times ,good luck x
Hi Kezjoh, just wanted to wish you luck for your results tomorrow. I was also diagnosed 2 weeks ago but also had to had further biopsies & MRI. I also get my results of those tomorrow & also have a CT scan in the afternoon. I’m 35 and have a 9 year old and will tell her tomorrow what’s happening once I know! The whole thing is awful & I find it comes in waves. On the good days I want to bottle that feeling as I know it can easily be so different the next day. I’ve found surrounding myself with my lovely family & friends really lifts me up. Lots of love to you and your family xxx
Thinking of you getting results today and possible treatment plans. Write your questions down and ask every one of them. I tried to make mine Yes / No answers for speed of circling, but at early appts had a friend with me to help me hear what i missed.
Bigs hugs x x
Best of luck for results x
Thanks everyone- I was hopefully going to tell everyone after I know what I am dealing with. These are the second biopsy I have had so I’m hoping they have Everything they need. I just want to know what I’m dealing with…
I have the mummy’s lump book- it has gave me some ideas of how to tell the kids. My tummy turn every time I think about telling them!