Anyone younger women in the Bath Area?

Looking to meet up with younger people suffering from breast cancer in the Bath area. I am 35 and was diagnosed April 08.

Hi cookie,

I am being treated at the R.U.H.

I am 32 and have secondaries in my spine. I’m on Xeloda and Herceptin at the moment and although I’m fighting side effects would like to be in contact with you.


hi simmoo - just logged on and read your comment about wanting to contact - not sure how we do this through this site - do we just keep logging comments to each other? new to all this you see.

Hi Simmoo and cookie

You can either continue to converse with each other this way in the open forum or you can private message each other. To use the private message system go to the forums home page where you log in and on the right hand side you will see a box where your ‘in’ box is, click on your in box and then type in the user name of the person you wish to contact in the box provided, you can search for the user if you wish, then type your message in the larger box below. Don’t forget to click on the green submit button or else your message won’t be sent. Hope you can follow this.

Jo, Facilitator


I’m not too far away in Swindon. I’m now 33 and just diagnosed with secondaries (primary diagnosis was Jan 06). About to go through chemo all over again and dreading it.

Amy x

Hi, I’m not too far away in South Wales and wouldn’t mind driving to the Bath area as it is isolating being relatively young with BC. I was first diagnosed in 2002 at 32 and was diagnosed with secondaries a year ago but am currently NED (2 consecutive clear scans)after having 9 months of chemo last year. My husband suddenly left less than 3 months after my secondary diagnosis and things just about all finalised with the divorce now so be nice to meet up with others of a similar age if poss. I’m working but only part-time and in term time only so am pretty flexible time-wise - trying to make the most of finally being off chemo for the time-being!
Take care all,

By the way am pleased to find some other women in their 30s with secondaries too if you know what I mean - I don’t mean I’m pleased you have them too but pleased I’m not the only one on here!
Good luck with the chemo Amy. What chemo are you going on?

Hi Amy,
I’m from Swindon too. Diagnosed in Aug just finished chemo now on Herceptin and Tamoxifen. Am up for chat if you want to.