Getting ready for chemo number 3 tomorrow…
Taken some tablets in readiness for the constipation. Applied the ointment for the piles caused by constipation after the last dose of chemo. Put in the eye drops for the sore eyes that constantly stream with tears. And finally taken some paracetamol to try and dull the headache, probably caused by the worry of having chemo tomorrow and having to take even more meds!!
<note to=“” self…maybe=“” need=“” look=“” into=“” buying=“” bigger=“” medicine=“” box></note>
Sue xx
Oh Sue poor you hope all goes well tomorrow. Do you know that we ‘cancer patients’ can get free prescriptions the pharmacist in Boots told me you need to fill in a form and take it to your surgery then you are sent a credit card sized thingy which last for 5 yrs. Most of my meds come from the chemo unit but some are prescription. Also re constipation I had really bad cramping (which made the nausea really bad too) with laxatives so I now segment 3 oranges/clementines every evening and put them in a tupperware box for the next day and munch them and loads of other friut and this has worked really well for me and drink loads of water. Also see GO cake recipe in thread I think Tips for undergoing chemo near the beginning. Good Luck tomorrow. Jackie
You only get free prescriptions if you are in England or Wales.
In Scotland you still have to pay unless you are on certain benefits. I have checked it out, I dont qualify for benefits as my husband works. I do buy a pre-paid certificate which is good value. Maybe you could do this it makes things cheaper for you. Take care
Hope you feel better soon.
Carolyn x
hi, sue hope it goes well for you,Im not got my 3rd till 21st so behind you.
My eyes havent been too bad at the moment(maybe shouldn’t temp fate).
The problem im having is i can’t take any tablets as soon as i try i feel sick.
Libby thanks for sharing that about prescriptions, you think we should all be aware of this at the beginning.(Probably there is a thread on here !).Thinking of you sue .
chica xx
Hi All Sue hope all has/is going well. I too am a bit behind you as my 3rd FEC is next Weds. I have had the vein used for the 2nd go hard and tender went back to chemo unit and they say I have lots of other options ie. veins so hoping for the best. The part I am really really scared about is the MRI after the 3rd FEC as after my 1st 3 chemos nothing had changed I was soooo disapointed. No one else has mentioned having an MRI scan after the 3rd FEC is this variable? The sun is shining and I think I will go mow the lawn whilst it lasts. Have a good week-end everyone LOL Jackie
I’m nearly two years out from chemo but remember it well.
Don’t wait for the side effects to kick in before you take the meds. Take them straight away. Take loads of water. For sore throats etc take Manuka Honey. After my first chemo I had the sore throat from hell and the BC nurse recommended Manuka. It was great and I swear by it still. I never had any problems with blood count etc
You’ll feel rough, no doubt about it, but it’s worth it in the long run. I’m now out the other side and feeling great and getting on with life.
So will you.
Mal x
Hi ladies
Thanks for all the tips. Chemo was ok yesterday. After problems with my vein the last time, they took extra care to make sure everything was flushed through well. So hopefully no phlebitis this time.
We baked the “GO” cake last night…it’s really nice, even with dodgy taste buds! With a bit of luck it will have the desired effect before I’ve munched my way through it all!
Next question is…does anybody have any tips for sleeping while taking the steroids? I find the insomnia to be one of the worst SEs. I love my sleep!!
Sue xx
At each visit more remedies for side effects get added. I toyed with the idea of asking for annusol suppositories this time as the piles have been resurrected from childbirth now that despite taking sennokot, I am prone to constipation due to antisickness meds and only fancying starchy foods post chemo for about a week. I’ll see how it goes this time round. Just all adds to the general grot.
Hi Flossied, ask for sleeping tablets to get you through the steroid days. Always take the steroids before 5pm. I have temazapan and one tablet on the first night knocks me out for about 10hours especially if I haven’t eaten anything during the. My Onc just gives me a prescription every time.