Hey all! 30 year old mum of two here
Around 2 weeks ago I found a possible lump. I’m not super regular with my checks, just kind of as and when I remember. My boobs are really lumpy and bumpy so I find it hard to tell what’s normal.
We have a history of BC in my family anyway and My auntie recently found out she’s got cancer (cervical) and it’s already at stage 4 at the point she found out. So I’ve been hyper aware and thought I was possibly making it up in my head.
Anyhoo, after a trip to the doctor’s she could feel the lump too, hard and the size of a pea, but moveable. She thinks it’s breast tissue but has referred me anyway to be sure.
The point of this post - I’m in a spiral of anxiety.
I was a bit worried when I first felt something but then thought it’s probably nothing. I expected the GP to refer me anyway from what I’d read online so I didn’t really feel that anxious initially.
Then the day after being told I was being referred, i felt anxious about the fact I hadn’t been anxious, because I was like am I blissfully believing this is nothing and it’s going to be something.
Then I was anxious that they will find something and I’m anxious about when I’ll get my letter/appointment date through.
I am Anxious about if they find something and say it’s safe but don’t biopsy to check (will I trust their judgement without an official test result). But also anxious about if they do biopsy and I have to wait another week to find out.
Now I’m anxious that there’s actually nothing there and I’ll look like a fool (obviously we want there to be nothing sinister there, but I mean like if it’s literally nothing there and there’s not even a lump of cyst or anything there and I’ve just imagined it all )
Any tips for handling it? I woke up this morning with a heavy feeling on my chest and feeling nauseous, very hard to keep up the peppyness for my two little humans.
I want to talk about my feelings but also don’t want to worry my family because of my auntie, and I don’t want to tell my friends and worry them because it really probably is nothing.
Am I silly for being this worried about everything? I know most referrals are nothing. The lump feels ‘smooth’ in my opinion but who knows.
Sorry for my ramble